
Your Vice Research Paper

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When I first started watching Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key (epic name, but will now be referred to as Your Vice), I wasn't entirely sure I was going to like it. It starts off pretty damn weird, with a bunch of hippies dancing around, singing and a guy abusing his wife. All scenes which really don't connect. However, as the movie gets going, the film starts to gel together and by the end, I was hooked big time. I loved how this movie ended, just absolutely loved it. I, of course, won't spoil it for you, but I will go into details on a few things in my review of this phenomenal Blu-ray release from Arrow Video.

As mentioned in my Lucio Fulci's Black Cat review, Your Vice is featured in Arrow's phenomenal Edgar Allan Poe's …show more content…

Your Vice does do a better job at adapting the story a little more closely, with a few twists and turns along the way, which I loved. Some of the plot points are a little out there and placed in there just to confuse you and make you think one thing is happening when actually something else entirely is taking place. It actually works once the films end credits roll around, so you just got to stick with the flick to have everything figured out.

I do want to mention how much sexuality is coursing through this movie's veins. There are copious amounts of nudity, lesbian love scenes and a tiny dash of incest. Edwige Fenech, who plays Floriana is basically in the movie to seduce every single person and boy, does she do an amazing job at it. I can't blame anyone for wanting to sleep with her, as she emits raw sexual energy whenever she is on screen.

I wish I go could into more detail with Your Vice, but mentioning anything specific would ruin the experience and that would be a damn shame with this movie. Besides a shaky beginning and some random scenes that make no sense, Your Vice works to tell a fantastic, twisty tale that does justice to Poe's

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