
Youth Choir 's Top Chamber Choir

Decent Essays

Opportunities don’t really come knocking in the small, corn-filled state of Iowa, but for Heartland Youth Choir 's top chamber choir they did. We had an opportunity this year to go to New York and sing in a choir festival at Carnegie Hall. For me this was a huge deal! to be singing on the very stage where The Beatles have sang meant the world to me, and I was going to have fun with it. It was the middle of June when we left. We were all riding on a bus to our first destination, Indiana. There we stopped at the Indy Speedway where went to the museum in the middle of the track. Interesting fact: there is a golf course in the middle. I found that very amusing because I couldn’t imagine that the track is big enough for a golf course. After …show more content…

It was like every five steps you smelled a new trash can, but that’s what made it New York. The smell came with the beauty. We were only in New York for three days, and that meant that I was going to have to pack in everything that I wanted to see. Granted New York is so big that even after a week I still wouldn’t get to see everything that I wanted to. So that first day we got settled in our hotels. I roomed with my friends Neupur, Mary, and Marisa. When we got to our hotel room Marisa unleashed her crazy. “Marisa do you have sheet music in your bag?” Mary questioned. “Yeah,” Marisa answered. “Are they songs from musicals? Why do you have musical sheet music?” Neupur questioned. “You never know when you’re going to run into someone or something and need sheet music from a musical,” stated Marisa. You see Marisa absolutely loves musicals, and she can sing. She is like a walking musical jukebox. You ask her any song or any musical and she will sing the song. Marisa’s discretion in bringing the music was very spot on, because later that day we went to a short musical 101 class and they asked her to sing in front of a couple people from Broadway, and get feedback from them. It was a very exciting time for us and Marisa. Its her dream to be on Broadway. The next day we went to Central Park, where I got to see the Strawberry Fields memorial. Then we got to go in groups and walk around Time Square and see some of the cool things that Time

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