
Youtube : A Sustainable Business Model

Decent Essays

In 2006, Google purchased YouTube for 1.65 billion dollars. After the purchase, people around the world were skeptical that YouTube would be a sustainable business practice for Google. In order to utilize YouTube to make money, Google launched the Partner program, which incentivized original content creators to share and promote their content on the site. Creators who wanted to be involved became a YouTube Partner, and advertisers bid for ad slots on the most viewed videos and channels. Partners then receive half or more of this revenue from YouTube as compensation for their work. Google has used the money and attention YouTube is generating to experiment with different ways of promoting content on it, such as live-streaming …show more content…

However, YouTube is not infallible. Since its inception, it has faced various issues that impact how companies can use it to advertise.
The first challenge YouTube has faced is users blocking advertisements from appearing on it. AdBlock, an extension for many popular web browsers, scans webpages for ads as they are loading. Before the browser renders the page, AdBlock prevents the advertisement from being rendered. This undermines the purpose of putting ad slots on monetized videos and YouTube’s front page. As a result of this, some advertisers are choosing to take their business elsewhere.
To combat this problem, Google developed a way for YouTube to detect AdBlock and present ads in a way AdBlock couldn’t detect. This rendered AdBlock ineffective on monetized videos and the site’s home page. To further combat the problem, Google disabled the “Skip Ad” button for users who are running AdBlock. Realistically speaking, the developers of AdBlock will probably find a way around Google’s preventative measures, which will force Google and AdBlock into a game of cat-and-mouse (Cervantes 1). To completely fix this issue, Google needs to address why users feel the need to block ads. By doing so, Google can encourage advertisers to create better ads that users don’t find intrusive or annoying.
Another problem that YouTube has faced is how it should moderate and police the content that is uploaded. Anybody can

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