
Zachary Bray Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

By Zachary Bray Im Zachary I am the chief of the Potawatomi Tribe.We live Illinois,Canada,Ohio,Ontario,and Indiana.There is me Annabeth(my wife),Sonya(my kid),Niko(my kid),and Raymond(my kid).

My family and i all went on a hunt for deer but we ran into trouble.There was a elk charging at us.Here is how it all began.

First,one snowy morning Annabeth,Sonya,Niko,Raymond ,and I were all geared up to go on a hunt for deer.We all said our goodbyes we went out into the forest.We just killed one deer then we heard a snap,it was a deer.We ran after it the we lost it.We looking around and then we turned around and a elk was charging right at us. Second,We all notched a arrow in the elk’s side it didn’t go down.It ran into my wife,she was injured

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