
Zamzee And Foursquare Comparison

Satisfactory Essays

Foursquare and Zamzee Zamzee and Foursquare are both completely different networks. In this essay you will learn about all the differences between them. Zamzee, for starters, is a network that makes everyday activities enjoyable. Foursquare, on the other hand, is just a social network that never caught on. One example, is that Zamzee gives you points you can trade in for a prize.It also makes physical activity comparable to a game. The awards include electronics and gift cards. Zamzee is further updated than the other network. According to the text, “ In 2012, Zamzee studied two groups of kids(7)”. Another difference, is that Foursquare is a network that you identify where your buddies are and you find the nearest places to meet with them.

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