
Zeta Reflection

Satisfactory Essays

The Zeta Zeta Zeta chapter has made a significant change over the year and should be recognized as “Graduate Chapter of the Year” based on some of the requirements for the award as well as our many accomplishments as chapter. As Basilues of the chapter I have taken Zeta Zeta Zeta Chapter into another level of our chapters future by more utilizing more electronic avenues of Zeta Visibility, with Twitter, Facebook, Google +, Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram and a updated website. Not only are the Zetas, Amicae and youth auxiliaries are informed but so are those who like us and follow us. We are a tighter nit team and utilize those with specific skill sets to promote Zeta Zeta Chapter. We have made a point to market ourselves and to make sure we attend as many community and Greek functions to show our support to others. Zeta Zeta Zeta Chapter strives for excellence at all times as a chapter and is rewarded as such within our chapter through the recognition committee …show more content…

A home cooked meal was purchased and prepared by the Amice and Zeta, Youth other family members set up and cleanup. It was rewarding to talk with the families and the crisis’s they were going through and to be able to encourage them. They were very grateful of a home cooked meal and begged us to come back the next week.

Zeta Zeta Zeta Chapter had 3 attendees in person at the Zeta Day in Hannibal but other were there in spirit as they participated in the purchasing of names on the Marker. We enjoyed as a chapter participating in the parade representing Colorado. We were amazed at the history of the town and the historic background of the life and legacy of Founder and President Emeritus Arizona Cleaver Stemons.

Zeta Zeta Zeta Chapter has been a continued support to the March of Dimes March for Babies, last year we not only purchased 20 team shirts but raised donated funds in the amount of $1146, one of our higher

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