
Zinczenko's Ethical Appeal In Fast Food Ebesity

Decent Essays

Zinczenko uses ethical appeal by using a personal experience from his own life as a backing to support his argument which shows that he has personal stake in and first-hand experience with the problem. He starts his essay by telling the readers that he was living on a fast food diet during his teenage years, like most American teens. He grew up with divorced parents and a mother who worked long hours. His mother did not have enough time to cook healthy food due to her job to make money for both of them; thus, he did not have an alternate choice but to turn to fast food restaurant like McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, for his daily meals. Day by day he started to gain weight and, by the age of 15, his weight was 212 pounds, which is not proper for a kid of his age. Zinczenko mentions that he, eventually, turned his life around and began to make healthier choices when he went to college and joined the Navy Reserves and got involved with a health magazine which helped him in making better choices regarding his diet and losing weight. Although he points out that he was able to manage his diet, he admits that “Most of the teenagers who live, as [he] once did, on a fast-food diet won’t turn their lives around” (463). His concern is that many teenagers that are experiencing what he went through will not be able to improve their eating habits the way he did and will remain obese for the rest of their lives. By Zinczenko involving himself in his essay and speaking

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