
Essay about approch to genesis

Decent Essays

Year 10
Christian Studies
“Discuss the extent to which a Christian can take both Genesis 1-3 and science seriously. “

A modern day Christian can take Genesis 1-3 and science seriously. What contradicts this is how science countlessly claims to “prove” Genesis 1-3 wrong. The degree in which a Christian can take both Genesis 1-3 and science seriously is disputed by scientific and Christian evidence all over the world but the genuine point is that science interprets Genesis 1-3 wrong, it interprets it in a mechanistic manor rather than a literary approach. This is influenced by how science reads Genesis 1-3 in a Mechanistic approach rather than it to be interpreted literary and another point would be how intelligent design and theistic …show more content…

Although I have given Genesis 1-3 as an expression of a poem it should not be read exactly like a poem, more to be interpreted as a hymn, overture, Hebrew poetry or a historian’s metaphoric recount as The essence of Darwinism2 by Kirsten Birkett suggests. This evidence shows that a literal approach towards Genesis 1-3 would be a sufficient reason in why science does not have any connection with Genesis 1-3 through the interpretation. Through this explanation it means that Genesis 1-3 and science can co-exist and a Christian can take both seriously.
In saying this it is also relevant that a Christian can take both Genesis 1-3 and science seriously with the point of intelligent design and theistic evolution. Intelligent design and theistic evolution is another view that a Christian can take to believe both science and genesis because what science cannot prove, intelligent design can be a resolution. Although intelligent design and theistic evolution is ruled out in today’s society frequently solely because of how Genesis 1-3 are contradictory to the modern world and our experiences and there is no evidence backing up the early chapters of Genesis, but just because there’s no evidence doesn’t mean that the concept of theistic evolution can be ruled out. For example a well-known scientific explanation of how the earth and universe was formed is the Big Bang Theory and it suggests that it was set off by an unknown force. This unknown force is right in

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