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Satisfactory Essays


ENG203/04 Literary
Analysis and Composition
Semester finals


Complete part 1 of the finals in the quiz manager.
Review answers for part 1 as a means to review for part
2. Review best practices for answering the part 2.

Semester final, Part 1

There are 15 questions on this part of the test. I will give you 22 minutes to complete the test.
Do your best but don’t linger on a question long. If you don’t know the answer take a guess and move on.



Part 2

Question 1:
Consider the events of Shakespeare’s Macbeth and the fates of the title character and his wife. Which character—Macbeth or Lady Macbeth—deserves more blame for their fall? Which character is more …show more content…

Which character suffers more? Justify your responses with examples from the text. Write at lease five sentences.
Step 4: Describe why your character suffers more.
Make sure to use examples for all of these.

Part 2

Question 2: Consider the conflict faced by the protagonist in one of the novels that you read this semester. In a response of no less than three paragraphs, explain this conflict, its development, and how the protagonist deals with it, as well as how the conflict is ultimately resolved. Include examples from the text in your response where appropriate. Write at least five sentences.
Step 1: Pick a character from the novel you read.

Part 2
Question 2: Consider the conflict faced by the protagonist in one of the novels that you read this semester. In a response of no less than three paragraphs, explain this conflict, its development, and how the protagonist deals with it, as well as how the conflict is ultimately resolved. Include examples from the text in your response where appropriate. Write at least five sentences.
Step 2: Identify and explain your character’s conflict and how that conflict develops.



Part 2
Question 2: Consider the conflict faced by the protagonist in one of the novels that you read this semester. In a response of no less than three paragraphs, explain this conflict, its development, and how the protagonist deals with it, as well as how the conflict is ultimately resolved. Include

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