
handmaids tale Essay

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The central social hierarchy within the novel is the gender hierarchy, placing men in a position of extreme power. This is evident in every aspect of the book, as the entire Gilead society is male dominated. The Commander is at the top of the hierarchy and is involved with designing and establishing the current society taking control of a nation of women, and exploiting their power by controlling what is taught, what they can teach themselves and the words that they can use. Soon all of the women will become brainwashed, simply because it is made nearly impossible to defy the rules
The Eye is the next highest up and are used as spies to keep the society the way it is and make sure no one consorts against it. Angel’s are next because they …show more content…

Unwoman are last because no one wants them and they are outcasts.
In the handmaid’s tale the government has given the lead character and presumably all the other character a pill that makes them forget their past. In the case of the main character its effectiveness was not 100 percent and she remembers scraps of her previous life n her dreams. In her dreams she remember’s how they took her daughter away and how she loves her husband. Offred has no clue to his whereabouts or even if he’s alive.
The agents of control in offreds life start with the aunts in training the handmaid’s. the role is to mold the handmaid’s into their society, to make them presume that everything is the norm and not to desire more. Secondly is the eye. They are the thought in the backs of peoples minds that makes them follow the rules. No one knows quite who they are and can never be sure who to trust. This is the perfect way to control people without a constant presence.

I think Gilead is thought of as a theocracy it is a government in which there is no separation between state and religion. Its official vocabulary incorporates religious terminology and references to the bible. House servants are Marthas in reference to the woman who helped Jesus in the New Testament; the local police are “Guardians of the

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