
improvements of our youth criminal justice system Essay

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When thinking about youth crime do you envision a country with a high rate of young offenders, gang activity and re-offending? Or do you envision a country with a significant increase of young offenders either being successfully reintegrated into society, or helped by a community when seeking forgiveness for a minor offence that they have committed? Since the passing of Bill C-7 or the Youth Criminal Justice Act on February 4, 2002 by the House of Commons, many significant improvements have been made in Canada’s youth criminal justice system on how to handle and care for young offenders. Some of the reasons why Bill C-7 was passed in Canada was because the bill before it, Young Offenders Act, had many problems and suffered large amounts …show more content…

These measures usually involve small group gatherings consisting of the offender, the victim and a third party at a community based level; the process of Extrajudicial Measures must usually remain incomplete until a reasonable solution is negotiated between the three parties. Although the Young Offenders Act allowed the use of alternative measures or diversions (Philip Rosen,2000) also known as Extrajudicial Measures as in the YCJA, little details were given as to their purpose or to what constitutes appropriate use of these measures. According to statistics by Cheryl Engler & Shannon Crowe (2000), “For every 10,000 youth in Canada, 135 participated in alternative measures” (highlights). These Statistics clearly show the lack of knowledge on these measures as they represent the amount of times the courts have implemented them. In order to clarify when and why these methods are supposed to be implemented, parliament further detailed the term alternative measures within the Youth Criminal Justice Acts renaming the term to Extrajudicial Measures. “Police-reported data show that charges were laid or recommended against 42% of youth accused of a Criminal Code offence in 2006, while 58% of youth accused were given a warning, caution, referral to a community or extrajudicial ...” (Andrea Taylor-Butts & Angela Bressan, 2009). As we can clearly see with the passing of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, large numbers of young

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