
Essay about master harold

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Athol Fugard's 'Master Harold' . . . and the Boys is about Hally, a white young man, and the damage done by apartheid The play takes place on the southeast cost of South Africa, 1950 during the apartheid, in Hally's parents' restaurant. This is where two black servants, Sam and Willie, work for the white family. Sam and Willie have been a part of Hally's upbringing and are close friends. The play is a microcosm for the situation happening in South Africa a parallel time.

As the whole play is a microcosm to a bigger picture, so to incidents through out the play are microcosms for other aspects of the 1950s in South Africa. These incidents have both a personal as well as political relevance for Fugard says “My plays are more than politics, …show more content…

The two of them were up there for a long time; the only bench on the hill read whites only. The bench is the symbol of apartheid, division, hatred, and racism. It is apartheid that Hally hides behind as he uses Sam and Willie as his scapegoat. Hally is filled with so much rage over his father, he is torn between love and hate. When the conflict supernovas, Hally lashes out on his two black friends. He tries to pretend they are not friends by acting strictly like a boss. Carrying on with this little man routine, Hally asks Sam to call him Master Harold. Sam would only do this if they were no longer friends; Hally would be no different from his father. This is the case for, when he spits in Sam's face, Hally becomes Master Harold. Apartheid is victorious in the corruption of another white male as Hally takes his place on the bench of segregation. If you're not careful . . . Master Harold . . . you're going to be sitting up there by yourself for a long time to come, and there won't be a kite in the sky . On a political viewpoint we see that even if a white wanted to go against the norm of the system it was almost impossible due to the environment. Another point is that here we see that the blacks tried to appease the whites anger but enough is enough and then the blacks anger would flair up, would the whites try appease them?

Along with the kite and the bench, the dance is another symbol in Master Harold . . . and the

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