
Essay on myth of sisyphus

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How was the text borrowed from other texts, and with what effects? how has he borrowed from other texts and to what effects?


Thesis: Camus has borrowed philosophical ideas from other writers which has influenced his interpretation for the existence of an individual mostly described within his works with The Myth of Sisyphus as well as his other well known novels.

Prominent in Europe in the 19th and 20th century
Existentialism is defined by the slogan Existence precedes Essence. This means:
We have no predetermined nature or essence that controls what we are, what we do, or what is valuable for us.
We are radically free to act independently of determination by outside influences.
We create our own human nature …show more content…

In accepting their fate, Sisyphus and Oedipus have abandoned hope, and so their fate does not seem horrible to them. On the contrary, they have finally found the only genuine happiness.
Oedipus becomes a tragic figure only when he becomes aware that he has killed his father and married his mother. He also remarks that both Sisyphus and Oedipus are ultimately happy, that they "conclude that all is well."
Sisyphus: He knows that he will struggle forever and he knows that this struggle will get him nowhere. This awareness is precisely the same awareness that an absurd man has in this life.
The above point also relates to Oedipus where he knows that being acceptable for his his situations and faith, his point of view for society will change and will learn to decide his own faith. freedom of choice- being able understand that only you control your own life.
Camus identifies Sisyphus as the archetypal absurd hero, both for his behavior on earth and for his punishment in the underworld. He displays scorn for the gods, a hatred of death, and a passion for life. (going against dostovesky’s ideas on faith and religion

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Transition Statement: The futility of ones life is an evident theme in Homer’s and Camus’s interpretation for The Myth of Sisyphus.

Both homer and Camus address the futility of Sisyphus’s labour.
Futile punishment lead to their unnecessary

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