
tda 2.8

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TDA2.8 Support children and young peoples health and safety
Pg 1


Health and Safety Legislation is there to protect everyone within a setting, (everyone being pupils, staff and visitors) through policies and procedures for preventing and controlling risk of accidents. All those working in school have a duty to ensure the Health and Safety of children in their care along with their own health and safety and that of colleagues and visitors.
Children and Young people need to be allowed to explore their environment and learn for themselves, but that environment must be safe and as healthy as possible for them to be able to play and learn.
The Health and Safety regulations relevant to schools are as follows:-
Health and …show more content…

If this cannot be done then they must take steps to reduce the risk of injury as far as reasonably practicable.
Also to protect people during the lifting, carrying and moving of equipment or children, often those with disabilities, with the aim of preventing injury such as sprains and strains. It aims to inform people with the necessary information through policy and procedure , for example, knowing the safe weights to be lifted and when two people are required to lift etc,.

TDA 2.8-1.2

A healthy environment is clean , warm and hygienic, a safe environment is one which the child or adult has a low risk of becoming ill or injured.
Health and safety should always be monitored and maintained at all times through the day in the form of STOP LOOK AND ACCESS.
Such risk assessments can be carried out in the following way:
Look for hazards
Decide who might be harmed and how
Weigh up the risk: a risk is the likelihood that a hazard will cause harm
Decide whether existing precautions are enough
If not, decide what further precautions are needed to reduce the risk
Record your findings.
Staff working in childcare must comply with the requirements regarding safe supervision including adult /child ratios.
1:3 under 2 years
1:4 age 2+
1:8 age 3-7
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If these rules are followed correctly then the children are at lower risk of accidents happening as they are being

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