

Decent Essays



s s Introductions
Welcome to EAC 150! This semester we will be working hard on refining your English writing, reading, oral and analytical skills. The EAC150 subject outline is available at This addendum is your guide to the subject requirements and activities in my class.

Texts and Materials
Kanurkas, Irene and Darrell Nunn. An Anthology of Readings for College English Online. ISBN 017641579-3
A good quality English-language dictionary such as the Oxford Canadian Dictionary
A good quality thesaurus (optional but strongly recommended)
A folder/portfolio to keep all work throughout the semester

“Pop” Reading Quizzes or Group Work 10%
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Term Work
The term work will constitute 75% of the final grade. A minimum of 50% of graded term work must be completed in class. Students will read 8-10 selections and write a minimum of 2500 words during the term, including at least two 500-word analytical essays written in class; a 1000-word analytical essay; and a research assignment. Students will develop arguments based upon a critical appreciation of the themes and literary techniques presented in the readings. They will also support their views with textual references. No more than 10% of the final grade will be allotted to quizzes and/or group work.

Final Examination
The final exam will constitute 25% of the course grade. It will be a common exam in the form of a textual analysis. Students must pass the term work and the final exam to pass the course.

Grading System
In addition to the usual passing grades of A+ to D, there are two grades that denote unsuccessful attempts at EAC150:
F (0 to 49%) Failure (term work has not been completed)
ATT The student has satisfactory attendance and has completed the term work, but has not met the learning outcomes. Any students receiving ATT in EAC 150 will continue their studies in EAC 150 in subsequent semesters until they have met the learning outcomes. In the meantime, the ATT grade does not affect the

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