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What Are Some Synonyms for “Fastidious”?

Answer – Some of the synonyms for fastidious are meticulous, diligent, exacting, particular, and prudent.


The word “fastidious” means excessively particular, critical, or demanding. 

Example: Sarah is fastidious about keeping her workspace organized.

Some of the synonyms of the word are:

  • Meticulous: It implies great attention to detail and precision.
    • Example: The artist was meticulous in painting the portrait.
  • Diligent: This synonym refers to careful and persistent effort in tasks.
    • Example: The diligent researcher spent months collecting and analyzing data for the study.
  • Exacting: Exacting conveys the idea of being demanding and precise.
    • Example: The exacting standards of the project required the team to meet tight deadlines without compromising quality.
  • Particular: It indicates a focus on specific details and a high level of selectivity.
    • Example: The chef was very particular about the freshness of the ingredients used in the recipe.
  • Prudent: This word suggests a careful and sensible approach, especially in decision-making.
    • Example: The prudent accountant meticulously reviewed the financial statements.