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What is 17 Divided by 8 in Decimal Form?

Answer – When 17 is divided by 8, the decimal value obtained is 2.125.


Decimal numbers are a numerical system based on powers of 10, comprising both whole and fractional parts. They are represented with digits from 0–9, allowing for precise representation of values between integers. 

When 17 is divided by 8, the value obtained is 2.125. In this, the whole part is “2” and the fractional part is “.125.” This value is obtained by dividing the numerator 17 by the denominator 8. The steps of long division are laid out in the image below:

Dividend: 17 (the number being divided)

Divisor: 8 (the number one is dividing by)

Quotient: 2.125 (the final result of dividing 17 by 8)

Remainder: 0 (what is left over after dividing 17 by 8). 

Therefore, the final decimal value after the division is 2.125.