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What is a Five-Sided Shape Called?

Answer –  A shape with five sides is called a pentagon.


A pentagon is a polygon with five sides, each connecting to the next at an angle. Its name originates from the Greek words pente, meaning five, and gonia, meaning angle.

  • Sides: In a regular pentagon, all five sides are equal in length, but in an irregular pentagon, the side lengths may vary.
A regular pentagon on the left and an irregular pentagon on the right side
Pentagons can have all sides of equal length (regular) or varied length (irregular).
  • Angles: It has five interior angles, each measuring less than 180 degrees. The sum of the interior angles of a pentagon is always 540 degrees.
  • Diagonals: A pentagon has five diagonals.
  • Symmetry: A regular pentagon displays rotational symmetry of order 5, indicating that it maintains its appearance even after being rotated by 72 degrees around its center.