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What is the Approximate Value of Pi?

Answer – The approximate value of pi is 3.14159.


In applied mathematics, the value of pi is arrived at from the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. But irrespective of the size of the circle, pi is always a constant value. It was represented by the Greek letter 𝝅 for the first time by William Jones in 1706.

Since it is a non-terminating and non-repeating decimal value, 𝝅 is classified as an irrational number. Its actual value up to 39 decimal places is 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197. To simplify calculations, either 3.14159 or 22/7 is used.

However, the history of the number goes as far back as many thousand years ago. The Babylonians (c. 2000 BCE) were the first to approximate 𝝅 as 3.125. The Egyptians followed soon after (c. 1650 BCE) with an estimated value of 3.16045. Archimedes (c. 250 CE) was then credited for arriving at the closest to accurate value of 3.1418. By the beginning of the 20th century, around 500 digits of pi were known; cut to today, more than the first six billion digits in the value of pi are available to mathematicians.