Assuming the same sensitivity and specificity as calculated above, recreate the 2x2 table as if the test were applied to a general population where the prevalence of ovarian cancer in the age group under study is approximately one in 3,000. For illustration, use a total population size of 300,000, such that 100 have true disease. Use the sensitivity and specificity calculated above to generate cells ‘a’ and ‘d’ of the table, and fill the rest in by subtraction. What is the PPV of the test when administered in this population?

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Assuming the same sensitivity and specificity as calculated above, recreate the 2x2 table as if the test were applied to a general population where the prevalence of ovarian cancer in the age group under study is approximately one in 3,000. For illustration, use a total population size of 300,000, such that 100 have true disease. Use the sensitivity and specificity calculated above to generate cells ‘a’ and ‘d’ of the table, and fill the rest in by subtraction. What is the PPV of the test when administered in this population? 
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