Consider a Markov chain with two possible states, S = {0, 1}. In particular, suppose that the transition matrix is given by Show that ?=[1−∝ ∝] ? 1−? ? 1 ? ∝ (1−∝−?)? ∝ −∝ ?=∝+?[?∝]+ ∝+? [−? ?]

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  1. Consider a Markov chain with two possible states, S = {0, 1}. In particular, suppose that the transition matrix is given by

Show that

?=[1−∝ ∝] ? 1−?

? 1 ? ∝ (1−∝−?)? ∝ −∝ ?=∝+?[?∝]+ ∝+? [−? ?]