Romeo & Juliet Most people know Shakespeare for his famous play, Romeo and Juliet in which is a tragic story about two decedents from ongoing feuding noble families. In this play, the two lovers (Romeo and Juliet) meet causing more disturbance between the two families which lead to Romeo and Juliet’s tragic death. Their deaths are caused by three main characters, Tybalt, Mercutio, and Friar Lawrence by inducing more disruption than they could handle.
Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy that has many deaths. Two of the most tragic are Romeo and Juliet. Their death was influenced by many characters inside the play, but some had more effect than others. The people most responsible are Mercutio, Tybalt and the Friar. *One of Sshakespeare's purpose is to show the effects of all types of violence. Mercutio is a character who has uncontrolled emotions, is rash and has a hot-blooded temper. It is his rashness and bad temper that causes
While the death of Romeo and Juliet caused a truce between their families, someone is still to blame for the tragic event. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is about two star-crossed lovers who have a forbidden love, because of a feud between their families. They try many ways to make their love work out, including an intelligent plan made by their friar, but it go so well.. The two kill themselves due to a misunderstanding of events. Many characters in the story could be held responsible
Romeo and Juliet is a story more about death than love, discuss. Romeo and Juliet was a renowned play based on two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, who came from two opposing families but fell deeply in love with each other. Although the play contained scenes of both love and death, Romeo and Juliet is not solely based on one, but rather how both themes intertwined with each other. Once Romeo and Juliet had established their relationship, it brought about their fate of an untimely death. Subsequently
Romeo and Juliet is a famous tragical romance written by William Shakespeare. This play is about two star-crossed lovers from two feuding families and the fight between the families end after the lovers commit suicide. There are many causes of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Many say that the deaths are caused by Romeo and Juliet, themselves, while others say that the Montagues and the Capulets caused their death. I believe that the three characters that are responsible for the deaths of Romeo and
Capulet, which name I tender As dearly as my own, be satisfied.” (Act 5 Scene 1) Romeo refuses to fight Tybalt because he's just married to Juliet, Tybalt's cousin. According to Tybalt, Romeo has dishonoured himself by refusing to fight. The reason tybalt died is because of himself. He killed himself by telling romeo that he is going to fight him. He goes out looking for trouble. He starts a fight with romeo and romeo said he wasn't going to fight him. After hearing that mercutio stood up and started
Romeo and Juliet, the Shakespearean playwright of two star crossed lovers, ends in two tragic deaths of both Romeo and Juliet. Who can be hold responsible for their deaths, when so many things went wrong along the way? Many could be held responsible for the deaths of the two lovers, but Romeo himself deserves to carry the heavier load of responsible for not only his death, but the death of his lover, Juliet as well. The young boy’s acts of irresponsibility, impulse, belligerence, immaturity, and
course of his life and his commitment to death is continually discussed throughout the literary criticism, “Romeo and Death”, written by Marilyn L. Williamson. After the murder of Tybalt, Romeo’s anomalous reaction to his banishment entails that he is meant for an early death; for example, Williamson portrays, “After killing Tybalt his attitude intensifies, and he becomes active in his pursuit of death, first verbally and then in deed. When the Prince banishes Romeo, Shakespeare makes clear that the youth’s
endangers your relationship with your new husband/wife and even your lives. Good afternoon/morning students, teachers and judges. I have investigated the various possible causes of the tragic death of the lovers in William Shakespeare’s, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and have been given the task of determining the cause of death, not only what killed them but who. The person I believe
believe that there is nothing you can do to prevent your death, many people could argue that Romeo and Juliet could have done many things differently to prevent their deaths. Here are a few things many people believe they could have done to prolong their lives: Romeo did not have to kill Tybalt, Romeo could have stayed in Mantua and waited on the priest, and a very good idea would have been that they could have aloaked and ran away. First of all, Romeo did not have to kill Tybalt, because the Prince was