Testable Explanations or Explanatory Fictions and WHY?? Emanuela Hale Ball State University State whether each of the following is a testable explanation or an explanatory fiction, make sure to justify your answer. 1. When Kyle is mad, he spits at other students in the class. This is an example of explanatory fiction because mad (the behavior that leads to Kyle spitting) is not a specific behavior and cannot be measured. As explained in Alberto & Troutman (2017) “Explanatory fictions explain
Explanation, Understanding, and Subjectivity ABSTRACT: Many theorists of explanation from Hempel onward have worked with the explicit or implicit assumption that considerations of the subjective sense of understanding should be kept out of the formulation of a proper theory of explanation. They claim that genuine understanding of an event comes only from being in an appropriate cognitive relation to the true explanation of that event. I argue that considerations of the subjective sense of understanding
WHAT IS EXPLANATION? We finished chapter one having made several observations of a scene. We then proceeded to review our observations so that we had removed assumptions, bias and unsupported belief from them. We now enter the second major step of science: explanation. Explanations are operationalized questions. When you operationalize something, you define it in such a way that it can be practically measured. So, an explanation is defining your question in such a way that you can measure that question
In the Meditations Descartes provides an explanation for the existence of error. He realises that we really shouldn’t be prone to error if we are made by God, yet we are. Therefore he explains the existence of error so that it shifts the blame from God onto human beings. In this essay I will first explain the argument which Descartes presents and then attempt to prove that this explanation is a bad account for the existence of error as there are many occasions when the faculty of the will is in fact
Introduction A lot of events in life can be explained logically by natural explanations or illogically by supernatural explanations. During early and middle childhood, children can generate both types of explanations. Logical explanations are produced by using one’s understanding of physics, biology, psychology, causation, and other observations. Magical forces or powers and sometimes divine interventions are used to explain things not as easily understood. The focus of this study is to investigate
Changing Methods of Explanation In the scientific community, there are numerous models used to explain data, which despite being argued over, can be used to spread knowledge. One model proposed by Hempel is the “Covering Law Model,” which can be explained when he writes: “The kind of explanation thus characterized I will call deductive nomological explanation; for it amounts to a deductive subsumption of the explanandum under principles which have the character of general laws” (Hempel, 658). Essentially
The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Strong Program Introduction The strong program is a particular kind of sociology science that was developed by Barry Barnes and David Bloor to describe scientific theories where similar explanations are used to describe opposite ideas (Mazzotti, 2012). The concept originated from Edinburgh school in the mid-1970s, where it was used as a reaction against earlier theories, which were considered weak (Brown, 2014). In most cases, failed theories are usually explained
world (Onof, 2016). In this essay, I will be providing one explanation of what ‘freedom’ entails for Sartre and this will be followed by a brief explanation of a contrasting account brought forward by Thomas Hobbes, who saw freedom as the ability to do whatever one wishes to do. I will then move onto explaining Sartre’s account on free will, of the different views he adopted and expanded on. I will then explain what makes his explanation on freedom so ‘radical’. This will be followed by a discussion
PBA Assignment PBA Description In my Health-related PBA, the students are divided into groups of 4, then asked to construct and present in front of the class, a standard sized 24” x 36” poster on one of the five components of fitness in relation to the fitness gram test, including brief paragraph on the component, a chart of the healthy fitness zones per age bracket and give examples of ways to work on that component that most people will be able to do to reach the healthy fitness zone. The five
person-centred care, aimed at individuals who use the service and their families. The leaflet must include 1) A definition of person-centred values 2) An explanation of it is important for why social care workers to work in a way that promotes person centred values. 3) A definition of the term ‘consent’ in adult social care. 4) An explanation of why social care workers must gain the consent of the individual when they are providing care or support. 5) A