Book banning

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    Book Banning Book

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    Everyone who has ever read a book has read a book by a banned author. Book banning has been around for hundreds of years. People should be allowed to read whatever they choose. “The ability to read, speak, think, and express ourselves freely is a right, not a privilege” (Celebrate). Standing up for what people believe in is something they’re taught to do at a bright, young age; making sure people are capable of reading the literature they want is one of the biggest controversies. No one should have

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  • Decent Essays

    Banning Book

    • 579 Words
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    Should books be banned? Books are a gateway to a world of imagination, but some schools are trying to shut those gates off by banning them. Books are some of the best teachers left, it's not up to a school to decide what a child should or should not read. Banning books can deprive a child of the opportunity to think. Books should not be banned because of the lessons they can teach, the fact that a school should not even be able to ban them, and it can deprive a child of the opportunity to think

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    Banning Books

    • 2215 Words
    • 9 Pages

    Banning books is one of many ways that we are killing children's imagination. Taking books away from anyone is something that should never happen. When we take books away we are taking away a safe place for children and we are taking away knowledge of our past. We should be proud to put different books on a shelf and say that we can have our own opinions. Books should never be banned from a public library or school because we disagree with what is on the inside of one. No one should have the right

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    Banning Books

    • 556 Words
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    The Reasons to Ban Books Schools are meant to be a safe environment full of books and learning opportunities. If this is impaired by books that should be banned, students may feel displaced or uncomfortable. Even a high schooler is prone to this, if action is not taken. There are hundreds of books full of violence, explicit language, and drug references. Annenberg Classroom says it is “unsuitable for students” ( Students of all ages are strongly suggested to not partake

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  • Decent Essays

    Banning Books

    • 623 Words
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    Books are a way for people to get away from reality and also learn new information they should not be banned. Books shouldn’t be banned from society; however some do have suggestive content or profanity. These types of books should be supervised and have an age limit. By banning books it can eliminate teachings of life lessons for students. Also, going through life without knowing anything besides rainbows and lollipops can set up students for a rude awakening when they really start to learn about

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  • Decent Essays

    America, the land of the free- except when it comes to the books they can read. In fact, many schools across America exercise the practice of banning books. Since 1982, libraries, parents, and schools have attempted to ban 11,300 novels, according to the American Library Association. The essentially innoxious books are challenged for an assortment of reasons, including use of malapropos language, graphic or explicit

    • 1861 Words
    • 8 Pages
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  • Decent Essays

    Banning Books Essay

    • 705 Words
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    censorship and banning of books in learning institution has been prevalent mostly due to the explicit content incorporated in them. However, banning of certain books in pretense to conceal content perceived inappropriate to impressionable children is an infringement of their right to access information of their area of choice. While banning some book at times has valid reasons, it is important to endorse and emphasize that every child has the liberty to select, at their discretion, which book to read.

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  • Decent Essays

    Essay On Banning Books

    • 810 Words
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    The idea to ban certain books from schools and libraries is preposterous due to the manner in which the people trying to enforce these bans try to do so in. Banning books doesn’t help with the already present problem that our youth’s intelligence levels are already declining, and neither does allowing the freedom to all books. Banning certain books due to their constant use of inappropriate language, sexually explicit nature, and all around mature content has a respectfully reasonable reason to be

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  • Decent Essays

    Essay On Banning Books

    • 1075 Words
    • 5 Pages

    Since 1982, all kinds of books have been banned for the content they hold. Topics like race, sexually explicit content, homosexualaity, religion and more. Books are banned by librarians and teachers because they do not want children or teenagers to read about these topics. Children and teenagers are told they are not supposed to read these books with harsh topics because they are afraid it could influence them. They are afraid that books that talk about suicide, like 13 Reasons Why, will influence

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  • Decent Essays

    Banning A Book Essay

    • 273 Words
    • 2 Pages

    Book Banning and book challenges has been around just as long as books were invented. Book banning is a way to take away parents rights to decide whether they want their teen to read that book or not. A book challenge however is an attempt to restrict or remove a book from other citizens, especially teens. A way book challenge works, is when a certain district or person doesn’t feel like the book is appropriate for a certain age group. For reasons like; sexual content, violence, offensive

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