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    Gun Control In Schools

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    For years Americans have gone back and forth about the effect that guns have on our society. The murder rate keeps on climbing because guns are particularly the weapon of choice when it comes to violence. According to Senate Bill 11, anyone with a licensed gun can be allowed to bring it into classrooms, universities and dormitories across the country. The fact that Legislation passed a law that allows anyone with a handgun license to openly carry a gun on a school campus is baffling. School

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Can you imagine the world being a safer place with less disasters such as terrorist attacks? This type of world would be great and we would all feel much safer, but is this ever going to happen? Many people believe that guns are the main problem in our dangerous world and believe that America needs to ban them completely. I believe that our world would not be a safer place if they banned guns, because people are people and they can find many other ways to effect the people around them without guns

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Imagine this, a cop shows up at 3 in the morning at your house to inform you that your son or daughter won’t be coming home anytime soon. Why? Because they were in the area that a shooting occurred, and sadly they were one of the several casualties. Your heart sinks, tears fill up your eyes, and there's a lump in your throat. This can’t be possible, how could this have happened you think. Now imagine this not having to occur. Families not having to lose their loved ones from the usage of guns (to

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    “Personal Narrative” When I was a kid, I did not think about gun violence. In fact, I grew up in a household that accepted guns. My dad, uncle, and grandfather all owned guns, and I never really gave much thought about it. When I was younger my dad bought me a little BB gun and taught me how to use it. We used to go outside in our backyard which was all fenced off. He taught me all the safety precautions, and set up the paper targets for me to shoot. I always believed that was normal, everyone

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Lately, there has been a controversy about gun control due to gun crime. Now, there has been an uprising of conversation about the carrying of guns on college campuses. Guns should not be allowed on college campuses because it is very dangerous. There’s alternative self-defense, professors/students would feel unsafe at school and be frightened, and some people are not mentally stable or are immature. Guns should not be allowed on college campuses, they are too dangerous and there are other

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    TJ Harris Eng 111-682W November 3, 2017 Linda Hardin Guns and Teachers Should teachers be allowed to carry guns in school? There are two very opposing sides to this argument. Some people may think not for their own various reasons. My answer is yes. You will find out why in this essay. First of all, in some places and different cases this is already allowed. So first of all that should tell you something about the situation. Although the law definitely is going up against some resistance (Quora)

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Reflection On Law Class

    • 1362 Words
    • 6 Pages

    To kick things off my initial expectation of CLJ 101 was completely wrong. Before the first class I expected this class to be an extremely difficult law school like class where all we are doing is examining law and different theories similar to what aspiring lawyers are doing in law school. My initial belief was quickly blown away as soon as the first class started and Dr. McCarty led us through the syllabus and I found out we were learning more “popular” law where most people can relate to which

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Blinded by Vengeance In the world today, it seems as if a mistaken glance, a change of plans, or even an insufficient amount of exclamation points is enough to get someone mad at you. And not just a couple of days of the cold shoulder, but grudges full of petty revenge schemes. A mean comment on their photo, tripping them in the hallway, blocking their account… pretty stupid decisions can come from a misunderstood argument. Michael Punke’s book talks about the same things; animosity and bitterness

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Stop Gun Violence Essay

    • 927 Words
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    Can America stop gun violence? That question gets asked all the time and my response to it is no. The reasoning for my answer is because we can not control everyone and their actions all the time. I mean we can help prevent it and make it harder to get guns but it can’t totally stop it. Many people say that America is a great country and that we can do anything but in fact that is just a statement. The only way that we

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Gun Control "The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." (Jefferson, 2016.) Getting rid of guns does not get rid of violence. Only 2.6% of murders are from a gun. We need to target

    • 1844 Words
    • 8 Pages
    Decent Essays