Carlisle Indian Industrial School

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    buying into the philosophy of Captain Richard H. Pratt when he stated that instead of killing all the Natives it would be of more use to “kill the Indian, and save the man” (“Kill”). Between the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, the United States government used boarding schools to try to assimilate Native Americans into modern American culture;

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    Boarding schools are scary enough for children who speak the same language. Imagine a village, soldiers come in and take the children, age five and older, away in a wagon. The children arrive at a school far away from home, family, and culture. Separated according to age and sex, stripped of their clothes, bathed, and forced to stand still as they get their hair cut, many are crying, terrified of what is happening. They receive uniforms, and new Christian names, thus stripping them of their identities

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    enacted a policy of assimilation of Native Americans, to Americanize them. Their goal was to turn them into white men. Schools were an important part of facilitating their goal. In 1879, Richard Henry Pratt founded the Carlisle Indian School. It was the first school in which Native American children were culturally exposed to American ideology. The idea for the boarding school first came through treatment of Cheyenne warriors. In the 1860s, Americans were in the midst of a major western migration

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    rebelled against groups of people who live and look differently. One such instance of this radical oppression is seen in J.N. Choate 's before and after pictures of Native American children forced to attend an American boarding school. Upon their arrival to Carlisle Industrial School the children in the picture are unique, confident, and relaxed. Their attire is comfortable and humble. They are either standing or sitting up straight with long hair, which is customary of many tribes (Choate). Sadly though

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    eyes of many white americans of the Gilded Age. The Native American tribal lifestyles, which consisted of living in a natural and spiritual way were not as progressive as the conventional American industrial lifestyle, and therefore, Native cultures were deemed uncivilized. For example the Sioux indians, like many other tribes, believed mother nature to be the source that created all living things, and for that reason, their traditions revolved around nature. The sun dance ritual was regarded as savage

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    American Indians in Sports Have one ever felt the feeling of a packed stadium, fans screaming your name; the feeling one might get as a Roman Gladiator. You practice and practice to prove your self on the weekend competition. However, once you achieve your goal to becoming the best in your sport, and the entire world knows your name, you are once again invisible. Only seen for the color of your skin because the paper refers you and your community as “Redskins.” You are left with two

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    praying towns were attacked from both sides, the Natives and the Whites. During King Phillips War in 1675, the converted Indians were considered as a threat to the Puritans. This phenomenon led the converted Indians to move to Deer Island in Boston Harbour. Even though the war ended after one year, the Indians stayed one more year in Deer Island. 2. B) The first Indian Industrial

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    Native American Education

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    exponentially at the hands of another. None more so than American Indians, who have endured a long series of extermination practices wrought by the U.S. government and citizenry. These efforts to eliminate American Indians include the massacres such as Wounded Knee, the Trial of Tears, relocation, and confinement to reservations. In addition to these methods of dealing with the Native problem, the U.S. government also sought to assimilate Indians into the dominant culture thus rendering them a nonentity

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    Indian Boarding schools were the best way to convert people and their beliefs that potentially disrupted the way of the manifest destiny. These schools would take young Indian children and assimilate them to the Anglo American way of life. The highest priority of these Indian schools were to teach the Indian youth reading and writing the Mathematics, English language, history, science, and the arts hopefully encouraging the “self-directing power of thought.” Religious education and training in Christianity

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    The school was founded by Captain Richard Henry Pratt following his military service in Indian Territory. Pratt’s goal was to assimilate Native American youth into mainstream culture, which he believed was necessary for them to live productive lives as American citizens. About 12,000 young native people attended the school during its operation. These children were removed from their homes, forced to cut their hair

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