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    The Old Testament is the first half of the Bible, and is full of foreshadowing and the story of God's people. This is where we first see Salvation History, which began in the beginning with the creation story, went on through Abraham with his covenant with God, and continued through Moses and his exodus of Egypt. Salvation History is the events of God that are meant to show us how to act and our instruction to have eternal life in heaven with God. “In the beginning, God created the heavens

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    to have Christ-like characteristics and tell people the good news. God is the shepherd who chooses his prophets to change the future. This was a time where the nation of Israel, Judah, Jerusalem and Nineveh were not obeying God. However, God offered hope to the people by exiling the nation and offering the people a new opportunity for a personal relationship. The nations existed to be a disappointment to God because he had clearly informed the people to walk humbly with him in order to experience

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  • Decent Essays

    specifically in Exodus, which brings coherence to the following books (50). Genesis captures the conflict and Exodus begins with the solution to the problem. Leviticus builds, which involves with the building of the Tabernacle, where God dwells among His people. Numbers is concern with the battle and Deuteronomy prepares and reminds the younger generation of the conflict and rebuilding of the temple. With the kingship pattern, the meaning of the Pentateuch is also identified. The Pentateuch provides a dwelling

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  • Decent Essays

    The author of Psalm 78 writes with intentions of giving hope to people after the Northern disaster in 721 BCE. He is attempting to get the people to not lose their faith in God. He does this by reminding his readers of three key things, the first being how much both they and their ancestors disobeyed God. This is an attempt by the author to show the people it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. You cannot continue to disobey God and expect him to keep providing for you

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  • Decent Essays

    God for he had delivered them out of the wilderness after 40 years. God led his chosen people through the parting Red Sea Moses along with his sister, Miriam joined in with the songs of praises (Amzallag, 2012). The author of Exodus is Moses an Egyptian educator, trained for wilderness wandering, a Jewish leader, Moses was a prophet and a lawgiver and a recorder of the Ten Commandments. Although Moses led the people into the Land of Cannon he himself was not allowed to go into the Land because of

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  • Good Essays

    Ed Reed, Section 06 ENGL 1001W John Winthrop: Puritan Fanatic or Religious Realist Attempts at English colonization of what would later become the United States of America in the early 1600’s had appeared wholly unsuccessful. Between 1608 and 1624, only 3,400 of the 6,000 English settlers of Jamestown survived due to starvation, disease, and attacks from the natives (Stahle). Notoriously, there is evidence that the settlers of Jamestown resorted to cannibalism to feed themselves (O’Brien). Even earlier

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    see the strange sight. God asked Moses to take out his sandals. Moses reply was, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt” I am just one man, a prophet Lord, how are my to tell the pharaoh of Egypt to let your people go. God replied that, “I will be with you." 2. This is the objection Moses raised. “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them”

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    chapter 6 verses 6-8, God had promised that he would rescue Israel from the Egyptians and give them the Promised Land (Canaan), show mercy by saving them ‘with an outstretched arm’, and create a relationship with Israel and referring to them as ‘My people’ Hosea the man. Little information is given about the prophet. According to Mays (1969) the name Hosea appears only in the title of the book and the heading for the narrative in chapter one and is not mentioned anywhere again in the book (Mays, p

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  • Decent Essays

    Ludicrous. Torturous. Appalling. The unthinkable prophetic acts that God commanded for Ezekiel to perform throughout his ministry were meant to be sensational scenes that demonstrated what was to come for the Israelites. Ezekiel, illustrating the siege of Jerusalem was one of the first prophetic acts God required Ezekiel to complete. God commanded Ezekiel to create a miniature version of an invading army camped around Jerusalem and then place an iron plate between himself and Jerusalem. Ezekiel

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  • Decent Essays

    The Significance of the Four Blood Moons Throughout many years people have been trying to predict the coming of Christ or even the apocalypse. The four blood moons is one of many appearances they will and have tried to predict these events with. The blood moons are a miraculous event created by God to remind us He is coming, and it represents major events in the life of God’s people. When this event occurs again don’t be afraid. For the blood moons are there even as a reminder to us that God

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    Decent Essays