
New Prophets And Its Impact On The Nation Of Israel, Judah, Jerusalem, And Nineveh

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Many new prophets came about in books Isaiah through Malachi. The goal for the prophets was to have Christ-like characteristics and tell people the good news. God is the shepherd who chooses his prophets to change the future. This was a time where the nation of Israel, Judah, Jerusalem and Nineveh were not obeying God. However, God offered hope to the people by exiling the nation and offering the people a new opportunity for a personal relationship. The nations existed to be a disappointment to God because he had clearly informed the people to walk humbly with him in order to experience the good life.
God had an unconditional love for his people, but he can still get angry when people oppose his word. He offered forgiveness to the Israelites even when they turned against him to worship a false god. Also, God did not ignore people who rebelled against him. He knew all the actions of everyone. God was angry with the people of Nineveh because they had a strong rebellion against him. There were people in the city who didn’t believe in him and he casted a wrath. God is good to the people who follow him, but he becomes bitter toward people who deliberately deny him as the Father. The time period of Nineveh was a disappointment to God. There has been judged upon nations, but forgiveness was offered. This is a reoccurring theme throughout the Old Testament. It goes to show that God doesn’t like when his people turn their backs against him, but he is willing to forgive them if they

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