Four Asian Tigers

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    INTRODUCTION The Asian tigers are four countries named Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. These states were highly developed countries. These countries were the first states that shifted to industrialization. All the four Asian tigers have a lot of people who are very educated and are perfect in undertaking their tasks. These countries developed and implemented different policies and this result in economic prosperity and tried to do them than any other state. For instance, Hong Kong

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    The resilience and rapid-growth of East Asian economies even in the face of rising protectionism in their major export markets and a global recession, has intrigued developmental specialists who see Latin America as a prime candidate for comparison. By becoming increasingly libertarian and by embracing neo-liberalism Latin American countries have sought to emulate the success of East Asian economies. Nevertheless they have found it difficult to maintain their previous levels of growth, confronting

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    Richard Wong Professor Sanjay Peters EMPA U6560 April 14th 2015 Final Exam: Question 5 The unprecedented economic progress of a handful of East Asian economies were able to achieve in three decades, from1960’s to the 1980’s sparked the curiosity of the world as to how such an astounding feat occurred. After the Second World War, countries from both East Asia and Latin America began to industrialize and competed vigorously in the world market, however it is worthy to note that Latin

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    growth before, The East Asian Miracle, occurred. The East Asian miracle has really helped East Asia’s economical growth. During this semester we have come across The East Asian Miracle, and how it came about. I have read The Four Little Dragons, also the World Bank report and Balassa’s article. Each one of the readings have different and similar arguments in why The East Asian Miracle happened. While The Four Little Dragons has a bit of a different argument on how The East Asian Miracle was created

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    Chapter 4: Findings and Discussions In the first section of this chapter, the interview result is being analysed. Following that, the research done in phase 1 and the interview results gathering in phase 2 is combined to formulate the Opportunities, threats and uncertainties in Intra-Asia container trade. Finally in the last section of this chapter, we will forecast the future outlook of Intra-Asia for the next five years. 4.1 Analysis of Intra-Asia Market We had tailored our interview questions

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    Looking at GIS’s revenue exposure, there is little political and sovereign risk as most of their income is sourced from developed economies with stable governments. Political instability or social unrest is not a major concern for GIS. As of 2017, a majority of GIS’s revenue comes from developed countries, with 79.2% of revenue coming from the Americas. 71.5% of total revenue is from the US, followed by 5.8% from Canada and 4.1% from Mainland China. Significant growth was seen in Asia with revenue

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    NICs have been and continue to be the driving force of globalisation. Discuss. An NIC stands for a Newly Industrialised Country. It is a term used to describe a country that has moved away from an agriculture-based economy and into a more industrialised, urban economy. These countries have a high growth rate. Current NICs include China, India, Brazil, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, Philippines, Thailand and Turkey. The average growth rate between these countries is approximately 7.64% compared

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    from an agrarian to export-driven industrialized economy while sustaining rapid economic growth. What took Europe almost a century, the East Asian tigers (Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan) and the newly industrializing economies (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand) accomplished in a matter of decades, which led many to believe in an East Asian miracle. However, in 1997 Thailand became the first country swept into an economic crisis that spread throughout the region within months. Why

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    breaking down these realms and facilitating the ecological and biological invasion of non-native species. One of the most striking dividing lines between realms is the Wallace Line between Australia and Asia. Because Australia is isolated from the Asian land mass its biodiversity is rich with different species and ecosystems. However, due to trade and human transport methods the highly adaptable and dispersive Aedes albopictus (typically native to Asia) has been located in the Torres Strait (between

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    Currently there is no treatment or vaccine for the Zika virus but there are antibiotics available to treat a range of bacterial infections. (WHO, 2016) The only way to prevent the dangerous complications is to avoid contracting the virus. The main prevention is to avoid mosquito bites since it is mosquito borne, especially for travelers. Some prevention methods include staying inside, wearing long sleeves and using insecticide. Many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean where Zika has

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