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    My grandparents were both born and raised in Cidra, Puerto Rico and so were their three children. They wanted to start a new beginning. Though the exact date is forgotten my grandparents moved to Cleveland, Ohio sometime in 1989. My grandparents were very poor when they lived in Puerto Rico since there were not many job opportunities and barely any resources, my grandparents could barely make ends meet.They wanted to give their children to have more opportunities and resources that they didn't have

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    My entire life I have lived with or in close proximity to my grandparents. I have had countless conversations with them through my life. But the older I noticed our conversations diminishing and becoming less frequent due to my busy schedule. When this assignment was introduced to me, I jumped at the opportunity to interview and reconnect with one of my grandparents. I decided on interviewing my grandmother because she is comfortable with english and our native language, tagalog. By speaking to someone

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  • Good Essays

    For this interview, I decided to interview my grandma. Her name is Diane Smith, she is 74 years old and does not look it! She was recently widowed last year, yet they had many happy years together. They had two children together, my Uncle Dave and my mother, Cherie. I asked her what was the best thing about being her age and she the first thing she said was seeing her children and grandchildren grow up. She is enjoying seeing and interacting with her grandchildren in just the daily activities.

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    up his garage. He said, he didn’t like living with his grandparents, but he had no choice after his parents died in a fire that destroyed their home,” Andrew said, staring at the TV unable to believe what he was hearing as the announcer repeated the information. While busy tidying up the kitchen, Margaret asked, “Is it possible whoever murdered the grandparents, kidnapped the grandson?” “It’s possible, but it sounds as though the grandparents were dead several days before they found them.” Smiling

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Everyone has someone in their life that gives them a great amount of inspiration. The people that have given me the most inspiration are my Grandparents. My Grandmother has done a great deal for me in my life. My Grandfather has done something with his life that nobody expected him to do. My Grandparents have greatly changed my life. If it was not for them, I would not be the person I am today. My Grandmother is a great person inside and out. My Grandmother has been very generous to me throughout

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    Decent Essays
  • Better Essays

    Essay about Being Raised by Grandparents

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    Grandparents influence their grandchildren both directly, through face-to-face interaction, and indirectly, by providing emotional support (Doucette-Dudman 98). When a grandchild confronts a problem and knows that her grandparents are there to support her, she is indirectly influenced by their emotional support. Grandparents also serve as role models to their grandchildren. A role is defined by the "set of expectations

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    Better Essays
  • Better Essays

    leaves, and the bittersweet scent of pine. These are the sounds and smells I wake to as the car trundles down the drive to my grandparents’ home—and there are few I love better. I imagine Aldo Leopold felt much the same about his farm in his Sand County Almanacs. His, an abandoned farm in Wisconsin in the 1940s, mine an abandoned farm in Northern Michigan my maternal grandparents bought in the 1960s. It was this farm that intimately introduced me to nature beginning infancy. I believe it is due to this

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    Better Essays
  • Decent Essays

    In the article, “Grandparents’ Involvement and Support in Families with Children and Disabilities,” by Misuk Lee and J. Emmett Gardner discusses literature on how grandparents’ are a support and how they are involved with their grandchildren with disabilities and their families. Within the literature shows how the initial reactions of grandparents are similar to parents with kids with disabilities, “families of children with disabilities experience a variety of emotional and cognitive reactions

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  • Decent Essays

    parents, grandparents may assume the role as the caregivers of their grandchildren. The absence of a biological parent may be due to incarceration, drug abuse, mental illness or military deployment (Yancura, 2013). Each of which disallow acceptable care from the biological parent which sometimes places the burden to care for the child on the grandparent. This absence is commonly known as custodial grand-parenting (Population Reference Bureau, 2011). In these circumstances the grandparent often takes

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    In the video “Grandparents Raising Grandchildren,” they discuss the struggles of grandparents having to take on the parental role of their grandchildren because their grandchild’s parents could no longer take care of them. The grandparents who chose to look after their grandchildren acknowledge the difficulties of raising their grandchild, but they still chose to go forth with their decision because they feel a sense of responsibility to look after their grandchildren when their parents are not in

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    Decent Essays