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    Western Carolina University provides different resources on campus to allow on to be successful throughout their four or more years on campus. The Academic Advising website and center will guide a study to stay on course with classes while on campus. Western Carolina University also teaches student how to become a responsible adult and fault take fault in one’s actions. Western Carolina provides many opportunities for a student to become a successful adult. Before every semester everyone meets with

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  • Better Essays

    And, oh. It was pure bliss when Leorio finally, finally wrapped his hand around Kurapika’s dick, stroking him from base to tip, so slow. His touch was electrifying, like nothing Kurapika ever experienced before. A cry burst from his lips, high and shivery — and on some level it scared him, this physicality, but mostly he just wanted more. More. As if he could sense his desperation, Leorio leaned down and lapped up the translucent bead of precum leaking from him, wasting no time, apparently done with

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  • Decent Essays

    Arabella's grin was broad and easy, her laugh genuine. "I wouldn't say dropping his standards, per say...maybe just skewing them slightly." Joking and laughing with Leo was easy and had been for as long as she could remember. The fact that some of it - maybe a lot of it - was flirting was moot, as far as she was concerned. She occasionally caught herself wondering if it was partly because of how casual he was, somewhat of a piece of his history working taking the long way up the ladder. Or, at the

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    "Goddamn, Kurapika," Leorio hissed, tearing away from his lips to attack his neck. A jolt of pleasure ran down Kurapika's spine, followed by a small, whimpery sound he would have been ashamed of if he hadn't been so distracted. Leorio began suckling and nibbling, exploring the skin there with his lips and teeth and tongue, and it was good, so damn good all Kurapika could do was cling to Leorio's shoulders for dear life, making little rocking motions were slowly driving them both insane. "Goddamn

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    “After the way I conducted myself? I wouldn’t blame you at all,” Kurapika said, his smile broadening into a brief grin. Then it faded, replaced with a expression of soft regret. “Actually, I...I figured, after all that, maybe I would try to...I don’t know. Make myself more available, be a better friend. That’s why I decided to come to Gon’s birthday birthday tonight.” “We were all surprised to see you,” Leorio admitted, glancing up at him. “I thought I was dreaming.” “I could tell,” Kurapika arched

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  • Better Essays

    His face warm, Kurapika carefully peeled Leorio’s shirt off his arms, letting it join his tie on the floor — and then, unable help himself, Kurapika began caressing Leorio’s bare skin, reverently running his hands up and down his biceps. “...why do you hide all this under a suit?” Kurapika muttered, more to himself to than Leorio, but Leorio heard him anyway and grinned, flexing his arms. Kurapika couldn’t deny it, the sight made his heart stop for a few seconds. “Heh, I would have walked around

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    Better Essays
  • Decent Essays

    “Thank you,” Kurapika whispered, and Leorio could almost see the invisible weight he’d been carrying around his neck lift, somewhat. “Seriously, Leorio. Thank you so much. But I’m still paying for you this. I can’t not, in good conscience.” Leorio waved him off. “Do me a favor, yea?” Kurapika blinked. “Y-yes?” “Eat your salmon, okay? It’s not good to waste food.” Kurapika glanced, startled, down at his plate, where a perfectly grilled piece of salmon rested on a bed of rice pilaf, steamed veggies

    • 576 Words
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  • Decent Essays

    Tonpa Alternate Ending

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    “Hey I’m Tonpa, your new this year aren’t you?” said a short chubby dude with a large nose. “Yeah.” I mumbled. “Here, as a welcoming gift.” He said while holding out a can of juice. It’s a good thing he can’t see my face because of the cloak I was wearing. He would probably see the bloodlust in my eyes. “No I don’t want any of your juice.” I said in a disgusted tone. “Are you sure it will probably be a while when the next time you can have something to drink.” he said uncertain. “I said no!” as

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  • Good Essays

    “Kiss you all over,” Leorio murmured, nodding affirmatively, “yep, can do.” “Then what are you waiting for?” Kurapika replied, sounding far more self-assured than he actually felt — because what he actually felt was a powerful mixture of nervousness and arousal, but his pride (stubborn even now) wouldn’t let him cop to how close he was to being completely overwhelmed. They had just barely gotten started, for goodness’ sake! Untouched virgin or no, there was no way he was going to let Leorio get

    • 1934 Words
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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    They took turns eating ice cream out of the container, Kurapika taking only the daintiest of bites, Leorio struggling with brain freeze every few minutes. Neither of them said much, and Kurapika couldn’t really tell if it was because they were preoccupied or because there was nothing to talk about. The former seemed like a much more likely explanation, because there was plenty Kurapika wanted to say -- but everytime he opened his mouth, a kind of nervous reluctance would seal his vocal cords,

    • 376 Words
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    Decent Essays