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    removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) 12 (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) For potential fluctuations, on the other hand, no trend in the intermittency level and collisionality is observed, and the intermittency level remains low, indicating self-similar fluctuation statistics, in accordance with Refs. (-- removed HTML --) 13 (-- removed HTML --) , (-- removed HTML --) 14 (-- removed HTML --) , (-- removed HTML --) 44 (-- removed HTML --) , and (-- removed HTML --) 45 (-- removed HTML --)

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  • Decent Essays

    be avoided and convinces people to slaughter each other for a better crop. Given these points, the major difference between Fortunato and The Lottery can be described in their characteristics. The two antagonist’s, Fortunato and The Lottery have similarities in their involvement in death and the effect they had on the protagonist. In both short stories, “The Cask of Amontillado,” and “The Lottery,” the two antagonists push the opposing characters to extreme behaviors. In “The Lottery,” the townspeople

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  • Decent Essays

    Dally are similar because they both have abusive parents that do not care about them and place very little value on their lives. Yet despite these similarities is that Johnny Follows the rules and Dally breaks the law on purpose and when the church burnt down johnny went to help but dally did not. Johnny and dally both have one very significant Similarity which is, That they both have abusive parents that do not care about them. Dally’s parents are the reason why he is what he is today ,because they

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    from the Holocaust. In the movie, it explains Guido´s experience of the Holocaust and how he had to protect his son during the event. Throughout their experiences, Anne and Guido have many differences and similarities. In both the book and the movie, Anne and Guido demonstrate their similarities in how they are nervous, how they comfort someone and how they both have hope. Although they are very similar, Anne and Guido have differences as well. For example, their personalities are different, their

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  • Good Essays

    Awakening    "She was a disagreeable little woman, no longer young, who had quarreled with almost everyone, owing to a temper which was self-assertive and a disposition to trample upon the rights of others." (25) This is how Kate Chopin introduces the character of Mademoiselle Reisz into her novel, The Awakening. A character who, because of the similarities she shares with Madame Pontellier, could represent the path Madame Pontellier’s life may have taken, had she survived old age. Mademoiselle

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    boy and she goes on to tell us the real reason why she doesn’t want to let Oberon have the Indian boy. We witness Toms attitude towards women which during the conversation Tom cuts off any women speaking because he doesn’t want to hear it. A clear similarity is shown throughout their actions like how George is attempting to treat Myrtle like an object and Tom having no respect for women and thinking their conversation is a waste of time by cutting them off. both situation in the chapter where they committed

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    There were 6 Nazi extermination camps, including Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka. The Devil's Arithmetic book and movie both have similarities and differences. Similarities include, allusions, main character, man vs. society, and man vs. self or internal conflict. Differences include main character Rivka, Yitzchak, Tzipporah, and Reuven are not in the movie, Hannah has different beginning and age, and the execution was carried out different. There are two main themes,

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    which is why they often go through crisis and failures. Even though they contrast each other, Rama from the Ramayana and Gilgamesh from the Epic of Gilgamesh have similar archetypes of the hero. The characters of Rama and Gilgamesh have multiple similarities that are shown in their stories. Rama and Gilgamesh are both examples of Campbell’s hero because they both go through separation, initiation, return. To be considered a hero, the character must go on a quest and show his heroic qualities. This

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  • Decent Essays

    refers to a flood that destroyed the human race. Readers today read this part of the epic, and quickly compare it to a very similar story in Genesis 6-9. At first glance, the two stories seem to be extremely similar. Although there are some obvious similarities, when looking closer there are some subtle differences. These differences may seem minor, but actually have large impact on the moral of the stories. The differences of the two stories show the extreme difference in the world view of the culture

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Mark Pedelty said: “Ritual is, therefore, a primary site of contact between self and society, a place where our individual selves are transformed into collective selves.” As Pedelty suggests, rituals create a loss of individualism and an increase in conformity. Pedelty’s idea is clearly displayed with the fictional rituals in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games and Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery.” These two stories’ rituals are based on chance and are basically death sentences; in contrast, the rituals

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    Decent Essays