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    vertical integration would provide in the future of the company. Vertical integration is visible when “two companies or organizations at various stages of production merge together” (OccupyTheroy, 2015). The main goal of vertical integration is “to increase the overall efficiency and to reduce costs all throughout the supply chain, thus improving business competitiveness and profitability” (OccupyTherroy, 2015). There are two types of vertical integration which are forward integration and backward

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    Vertical Integration

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    business world, there are three types of integration: vertical integration, horizontal integration and lateral integration. Horizontal integration is when the company is expanding the business by creating existing products with different brand names or acquiring another company within the same portfolio. Lateral Integration is when company is acquiring a company, or creating a company that does not have any similarity in the value chain. The last integration is the focus on the discussion in this thesis

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    Horizontal Integration

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    DG Information, communication and multimedia Media Vertical and horizontal integration in the media sector and EU competition law Miguel Mendes Pereira* “The ICT and Media Sectors within the EU Policy Framework” U.L.B.-SMIT (Studies on Media, Information and Telecommunications) CEAS-Norwegian School of Management, Oslo Telenor Broadcast Brussels, 7 April 2003 OUTLINE Introduction I. Convergence and integration 1. Technical convergence 2. Economic convergence 3. Efficiencies II. Competition

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    Vertical Integration

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    Review Questions 2 and 8 2. Define ownership (vertical) and relationship (virtual) integration and compare their advantages and disadvantages. Defining Ownership integration describes the procedure of firm buying another business that produces many of their material. When obtaining many of their suppliers the firm is then able to control the manufacture process. This helps the firm cut expenses. This is a big advantage because now that the firm is in control of the production process, they do not

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    Economic Integration

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    An economic integration, established on global, continental or regional level, is not a newborn phenomenon. Ever since the voyages of Marco Polo in 1260, (Latham, 1958) the collaboration and integration of world economies- through trade, movements of factors of production and transmission of economically effective knowledge and technology- has been continuously increasing. (Masson, 2000) The overall process of globalisation and economic integration has been in most cases globally beneficial, but

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    If both benefit the most in cooperating, as is the case in the prisoner’s dilemma, they will both cooperate, and peace will be maintained . This basic liberal assumption of the importance of individual gains is the main support for European integration. If all states cooperate in all arenas, leading to a collectively sovereign “Europe”, the individual gains of each state will be adequate enough to avoid conflict among themselves making it easier to approach the rest of the international system

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    Various approaches to vertical integration are available for implementation. Forward integration enables greater ability for organizations to fine tune pricing to correctly answer demand for their products (Lin, Parlaktürk & Swaminathan, 2014). Backward integration allows producers more authority and selectivity over the inputs for their products and, therefore, greater control in product quality (Lin et al., 2014). Netflix could implement a backward integration technique by acquiring a movie

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  • Good Essays

    owns its supplier and / or distributor and becomes involved in another task that they were not involved in before. Below a fictional description of a vertical integration: Example: Rubbo Farms has 10,000

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    vertical integration are ones that will dominate their industry. This is because of their increased control of the supply chain which helps the company grow in market share. The three main companies that are successful at doing this today are SolarCity, Amazon, and Tesla. All three of these companies are in similar growth stages and face almost no quarterly profit as they spend all their potential net income. Their success is attributed to previous companies who used vertical integration to dominate

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  • Decent Essays

    Vertical integration is a business growth strategy for economics of scale. It is typified by one firm engaged in different parts of production example; growing raw materials, manufacturing, transporting, marketing, and/or retailing to expand business in existing market for the firm. It can function in two directions both forward integration and backward integration. In Forward integration involves company to develop strategy to control the firm product distribution either through distribution centers

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