No Crystal Stair

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    Perseverance can play a huge role in a person’s life. Through difficult times, having perseverance can help anybody overcome their obstacles. When dealing with incredibly low income, perseverance is a helpful tool to have in a person's toolbox of life. In Langston Hughes poem’ “Mother to Son” the mother is advising her son about the hardships in life with the usage of imagery, metaphors and encouragement. The mother uses her life experiences to teach her son what she had to go through. During her

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    extended metaphor within the whole poem. The constantly acknowledged metaphor throughout this poem is the comparison of the mother’s life to a set of crystal stairs. In the poem the mother says “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair,” this metaphor is to portray that the mother’s life hasn’t been easy going and beautiful like a set of crystal stairs would be. Furthermore, it helps us get a clear image that the mother’s life has been filled with ups and downs. The mother is portrayed to have had a

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    Mother To Son Tone

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    The poems tone can be one that is best described as moralizing, heartening, and hopeful. The message is relayed in this poem to the reader through the conversation between the mother and her son. The mother states, “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair” (Hughes, 1922), just letting her son know

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    Mother to Son and The Coora Flower: A Poetry Analysis In poetry, more so than any other form of literature, understanding sound, meaning and theme are key to understanding the work itself. In the case of the poems “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes and “The Coora Flower” by Gwendolyn Brooks these elements, when heavily focused upon, allow the reader to discover the message that these writers were attempting to convey. Thought both writers use these elements to their fullest to communicate their respective

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    “Mother to Son,” written by Langston Hughes, is a short poem about a mother who is teaching her son about perseverance and determination by using the image of a staircase. She explains that even though life has given her many hardships, she continues forward and she urges her son to do the same. In “Mother to Son,” Langston Hughes uses an extended metaphor, imagery, dialect, and structure to paint a picture of a weary mother who wants her son to persevere through the hardships of life. The theme

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    Characterization this develops the theme of there is no easy way in life. To begin, the author uses Figurative Language to develop the theme by showing us that the stairs represent the mother's life. It says “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.” This means her her life has not been easy that is what the stair stands for. The author uses figurative

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         Never having any guidance, or direction, he has always seemed to work through all obstacles. Langston was a young man, roughly beginning his first year of medical school. Everyone he knew saw it a miricle that he ever made it as far as a bachelors degree, much less a Medical Degree.      Born a “mistake” never knowing his mother, or father he spent much of his childhood and adolescence running from foster homes east and west, he had never known

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    In the short story, No Crystal Stair,Lewis Michaux , the protagonist in the book, had a first hand experience of how society after implementing Martin Luther King philosophy of nonviolence.Lewis had opened an african american bookstore in harlem to help black learn. Lewis´ bookstore

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    phrase “crystal stair” is the most powerful phrase, because the connotation ties to the message and the conflict of the poem.

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    Analysis of Extended Metaphor in ‘Mother To Son” The Harlem Renaissance was a movement that took place in Harlem, New York in the 1920’s that identified new cultural identity and expressed talent. Langston Hughes, born in 1902, is one of the most influential figures during this time period. He is the author of many poems that continue to inspire people to this day. One of them, published first in the magazine, Crisis, and then also in his first collection, The Weary Blues, is titled “Mother To

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