Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

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    The 17th Amendment: The Case for Repeal Have you ever wondered what would happen if your worst fears became reality? For the founding father and crafters of the U.S. Constitution those fears have come to roost. What was originally designed to be the foundation of our country, and the law of the land; has now been amended out of existence. The ratification of the 17th Amendment changed the country’s political landscape and weakened the U.S. Constitution by allowing Senators to be directly elected

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    The Liberty Amendments: Review In his book, “The Liberty Amendments” Mark Levin argues well on how the slow creep of federal power in the United States has slowly disenfranchised the local government under the guise of propagating and deifying a ‘national government approved’ form of democracy. The people received a message of nationalism, and personal power while at the same time receiving a watered down version of what the founding fathers had originally intended. Levin paints a picture of the

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    Changes in the American Government Essay

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    changes are the adoption of the 17th Amendment, the general surrender of control of power to the executive branch, and the centralization of power to a couple of congressional leaders in recent years. These are some of the most important changes that have altered the Congress and the American government in general. One of the essential changes that was mentioned near the beginning of the course was that of the adoption of the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution. The Founders

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    To understand the controversy around the seventeenth Amendment we must first understand it. We have to first understand the ideas it supports and fears that it erases for many. The 17th Amendment as written in the Constitution states, “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous

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    Progressive Era Essay

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    Progressive Era and the impact our amendments have on it, or the impact it has on our amendments? The sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth show great examples of the Progressive Era. The sixteenth shows the political and social change just like the eighteenth amendment . The seventeenth amendment was the outgrowth of the progressive era, leaving the nineteenth amendment to be the political corruption and social change of the era. All of these amendments have differences and deal with different

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    The United States Constitution was signed on the seventeenth of September in the year 1787. It is composed of the body and the Bill of Rights. Before it was ratified in the year 1787 the U.S. Government only worked off the seven Articles of Confederation. To strengthen the Government without taking away the rights and freedoms of the people the Bill of Rights was added in what is now called the Great Compromise. The Bill of Rights consists of the first ten Amendments to the Constitution. However

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    Before the Enlightenment in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century also known as the Age of reason, the lifestyle of the common people consisted of a very strict government along with absolute monarchy which denied much flexibility of freedom to the governed people. The Enlightenment filled with enlightened philosophers who dared to know challenged the masters of errors that dominated the world before the Age of Reason. Although such philosophers like Thomas Hobbes argued for a much stricter government

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    Democracy And Democracy

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    Declaration of Independence which eventually became the foundation for our governing document: the U.S. Constitution. In the Preamble to our Constitution, it states, “We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity...” (Constitution of the United States – Preamble). It is evident in the very first lines of the Constitution that the Founders considered the preservation of freedom to be one of the most important features

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    through exploitation; and leaving a residue of an epistemology of ignorance to ensure its continuance. Mills denounces Locke as a constituent of the racial contract, imbibed in his seventeenth century racist practices. As a nation founded on the principles of Locke, the longevity of racism embedded in the United States exemplifies the culmination of Mills’ Racial Contract from its constitutional beginnings to applications in the modern prison industrial system to the prevalence of wrongful convictions

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    A Republican Analysis

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    In the United States of America there is a plethora of extravagant political parties with which one can associate. Obviously, due to the nature of the scholarship at hand, the reader of this written work is a Republican. Is there any thought ever given to the immensity of the political spectrum? There is left and right, up and down, libertarians, authoritarians, liberals, conservatives, socialists, communists, neo-libertarians, paleoconservatives, fascists, or one could be completely neutral. Still

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