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  • Decent Essays

    Do you know what personality type you are? There are eight personality types in the Myers- Briggs personality test. The eight personality types are Extravert, Introvert, Sensing, Intuition, Thinking, Feeling, Judging, and Perceiving. E is for Extravert which means to act before you think. I is for Introvert which means to think before you act. S is for Sensing which means using ones five senses to observe based on thoughts and actions on concrete things. Also, not trusting your gut feeling. N is

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    Decent Essays
  • Better Essays

    This paper is a critique of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment. The paper starts of giving general information about the theory, such as the author, publisher, and a brief description of the history of the assessment. Secondly the paper describes the test and its content, structure, purpose, administration, and scoring. Technical evaluation is the third section of the paper that discusses research done on the MBTI throughout the years. The technical evaluation section will talk about

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    Better Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is psychological test done to examine how people act or feel in various situations. It helps people to better understand and appreciate differences in others, thus enhancing cooperation and productivity in organizations. This the most widely administered personality test in the world. It is also a valuable tool for understanding communication style. The MBTI has 4 preferences, they are: 1) Energy. This demonstrate where individuals gain inter personal strength and

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    According to the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator, I have a ENFP personality type. The description of this personality type is very similar to mine in most aspects. Change is a thrill for me in that it keeps life interesting. However, sometimes I can loathe it if the change isn’t logical and rational. The idea of only having one way to do something irritates me, because there is always a better way to do something. If you were to open my backpack right now, you would think that it’s a disaster, because

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Myers-Briggs type indicator is a personality test used to make the psychological types described by C.G. Jung more understandable and relevant to people's lives. The personality test shows that random deviations in behavior are essentially not so random at all, but how people use their perception and judgment. There are sixteen, distinctive personality types, that can result from the choices of preferences. (Foundation, The Myers & Briggs) “According to theory, by definition, one pole of each

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Before taking these personality tests, I thought about what my personality is like, and I considered myself to be a shy and kind person who is open to new chances and ideas. The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test revealed to me that my type is 16% Extravert, 19% iNtuitive, 16% Feeling, and 3% Perceiving (ENFP). This tells me that I’m the type of person that is more concerned about being around other people and less concerned about my own interests. Then, it also states that I make my choices based on

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    4. I decided to talk about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as my assessment tool. From a post-modern theoretical perspective I know that using this assessment is more a modern perspective at the beginning because you are labeling the client. However, knowing what their type is allows a client to learn more about why they do the things they do. For example when we did this activity in class, I had one letter change from the last time to take it. I am now a sensor instead of a instead of an

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    ISTJ individuals, or “traditionalists,” are honest, direct, decisive, efficient, dedicated, responsible, strong-willed, reliable, committed, and trustworthy.1 As ISTJ’s are very strong-willed and dedicated, Jung’s test describes them as “doers.” 1 ISTJ’s are very competitive and always pushing themselves to improve and succeed. 1 I was not surprised by outcome of being labeled as an ISTJ. My results did produce what I anticipated in terms of characteristics and even in terms of career paths. The

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Jung Typology Analysis

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    After taking the Jung typology test, I was astonished how the results described my disposition down to the minute details. My personality type is introvert, intuitive, feeling, and judging, INFJ for short. INFJs love people, but tend to only share their feelings with a selective few. Perceived as dreamers and doers, this unique combination of vision along with practicality enables INFJs to accomplish great humanitarian feats. Often they are deeply concerned for the people surrounding them, but when

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Jung Typology Analysis

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    The Jung Typology Test measures four dimensions of personality by general attitude of people. The four dimensions of the personality are where a person get their energy,how they perceive information,make decisions,and how they implement information towards their goals. My personality score was ENFP. ENFP is an acronym for extraverted intuitive feeling and perceiving personality.Which extraverted meaning that I get my energy from outside sources that myself majority of the time. For example I get

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    Decent Essays