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    Initially, the narrator of the story returns to the undeveloped island that she grew up on to search for her missing father in that process she unmasks the inconsistencies in both her personal life and her patriarchal society. The unnamed narrator of Surfacing comes back to her home in Northern Quebec after a gap of nine years in search of her father, who is reported missing mysteriously. The protagonist is working as a commercial artist. The reason for the deliberate separation from her parents is that

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    back to the social, historical, cultural, and natural aspects of her ‘identity’. Her familiarity with the Canadian wilderness can be detected in her employment of nature and animal imagery in her poems and novels. Her novel’s The Penelopid and Surfacing to discover some common and persistent patterns of women writers use when they rewrite myths. Atwood attempts to offer new sites of existence for women so as to enable them to get closer to their authentic “selves”. Key Words: Female - myth, archetype

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    The Feminine Quest in Surfacing and Song of Solomon        Margaret Atwood in her novel Surfacing and Toni Morrison in her novel Song of Solomon require their heroines to pass through a stage of self-interpretation as a prerequisite for re-inventing the self.  This stage in the feminine journey manifests a critical act typically absent in the traditional male journey, and one that places Atwood and Morrison's heroines at odds with the patriarchal community.  If authors of feminine journeys

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    gender roles and how are they swamped in a patriarchal society. In Surfacing (19720 Margaret Atwood tells us about the influence of past memories in our lives and how women can cope with mental trauma by going back into their past. G. Sankar in “The Emergence of Canadian Colonialism and Post-Colonialism in Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing” highlights the two kinds of theoretical frameworks Colonialism and Post-Colonialism in Surfacing. The unnamed protagonist comes back to her hometown after a long time

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    in the wilderness influenced her writing which makes considerable metaphorical use of the place, its flora and its fauna. Later, Atwood’s childhood experiences of the bush provided material for her focus on rediscovering identity in the wild in Surfacing (1972). She has

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    Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis and The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood The adolescent years are often associated with turbulence, illusion, and self-discovery; however, Kingsley Amis’s Lucky Jim and Margaret Atwood’s The Edible Woman demonstrate that more often than not, the twenties possess these qualities to a greater extent than adolescence. The age period of the twenties often consists of relationships, employment and self issues and using the premise of these uncertain times, Amis and

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    The edible woman Introduction The edible woman by Margaret Atwood was first published in 1969. The novel talks about women and the way they relate to men, food, and the society. Through food and eating, Atwood is able to the rebellion of a young woman against the male-dominated modern society. The story is about a young woman, the protagonist of the novel named Marian McAlpin and her struggles between the roles imposed on her by society and her individuality and personal self-definition. Through

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    never be slaves. But we aren’t real Britons, because we are also Canadians. This isn’t quite as good. (80) Here, the postcolonial reality is experienced as a mild but insistent inferiority complex, a sense of internalised alienation. However, in Surfacing Atwood addressed the pressures of America’s cultural colonisation of Canada, and in an interview she expanded: “it’s impossible to talk about Canadian literature without also talking about the fact that Canada’s an economic and cultural colony”.

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    Essay on The Malignant American in Surfacing

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    The Malignant American in Surfacing     Before traveling through Europe last summer, friends advised me to avoid being identified as an American.  Throughout Europe, the term American connotes arrogance and insensitivity to local culture.  In line with the foregoing stereotype, the unnamed narrator's use of the term American in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing is used to describe individuals of any nationality who are unempathetic and thus destructive.  The narrator, however, uses the word in the

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    Margaret Atwood's 'Surfacing' Throughout the book the narrator constantly intertwines the past and present as though it is side by side. Atwood shows this in the opening sentence ‘’I can’t believe I’m on this road again’’. The use of the adjective ‘again’ reveals the narrator has been in this place in an earlier life. The narrator seems to repress a lot of her past and continuously contradicts herself, which at times confuses the reader as we can not tell whether she is talking about her

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