Thomas Chatterton

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    Have you ever wondered what really makes you you? How have you become who you are? It’s fine if you don’t know, but a memoir called Losing My Cool may help. Losing My Cool is a story that follows a man, Thomas Chatterton Williams, who is in search of his real identity. TCW is a black man trying to free himself from the crowd, but he has a few obstacles that interfere with his goal. He has an issue with his identity as he struggles to balance two distinct lifestyles. He attempts to keep it real with

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    In his essay, “As Black as We Wish to be,” author Thomas Chatterton Williams tries to paint a picture of a world where the sight of interracial families was still considered an oddity and shows how, over the decades, society has slowly became more acceptable towards the idea. He begins the essay briefly discussing the ignorance of people during the late 1980’s while also elaborating what hardships African Americans have dealt with over the past century. He explains that even with the progression

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    In his memoir, Losing My Cool, Thomas Chatterton Williams describes how his identity was formed based on hip-hop culture and the ideologies surrounding it. Losing My Cool allows readers to look through a lens and see how popular culture shaped Williams’s identity, like it has for many black youths. Music, sports, and fashion have all had important roles in changing the way the author thinks. Although the subject matter is completely different from what I have experienced in my own life, I often found

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    Thomas Ham looked out the rainy window. The cars and trucks passed by. He saw the gray buildings. He was scared. Why? When he got home his mom’s boyfriend was probably. His dad died from saving Tom from a fire. There was no money. They were forced to move to New York City in a small apartment. The yellow bus slowly came to a stop. Tom got off of the bus. Pressed the button to call up to his mom, “Hi, mom” “Hey, you can come up. The key is under the rug,” his mom said. He walked through the passageway

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    Thomas Hobbes and John Locke have authored two works that have had a significant impact on political philosophy. In the “Leviathan” by Hobbes and “Two Treatises of Government” by Locke, the primary focus was to analyze human nature to determine the most suitable type of government for humankind. They will have confounding results. Hobbes concluded that an unlimited sovereign is the only option, and would offer the most for the people, while for Locke such an idea was without merit. He believed that

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    The Expulsion of Freedom

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    of natural freedom is necessary for the obtainment of greater power for the greater collective community, but the prospect of obtaining superlative capabilities comes with the price of constraints. Yet this notion of natural freedom conflicts with Thomas Hobbes rendition on the state of nature because he illustrates that nature, interface through savagery. According to Hobbes, mankind has endorsed and embraced natures temperament, because this system of

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    on the differences between Hobbes’ and Locke’s ideas on the state of nature. One of the biggest, and in my opinion most important points that makes Hobbes different from Locke is his belief that the state of nature is equal to the state of war. Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher, who lived between 1588 and 1679. He witnessed multiple events throughout his life that later led him to write his book “Leviathan,” in 1651 once the war had ended. Hobbes witnessed the English Civil War (1642-1651)

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    Did Thomas Jefferson give up his deeply held political values in order to purchase the Louisiana Territory from the French (P. 2)? This is the major question that has led to much debate within the early history of America (P. 1). Some historians argue that Thomas Jefferson did, in fact, throw away his commitment to states’ rights and constructionism by the large purchase of Louisiana for the U.S. (P.1). On the other hand, some believe that President Jefferson supported his political beliefs, the

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    Hobbes, Marx, and Shah

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    thought (Melani). Thomas Hobbes, a very early Enlightenment thinker, has a variety of ideas which do not coincide with those of Karl Marx, an early Romantic. The thinkers of the Enlightenment era, which

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    Rousseau’s Second Discourse

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    society that Rousseau is on the verge of putting forth. Beginning with this authorial intrusion—a form of literary apostrophe—the essay adopts historical writing as its primary narrative mode. This method stands in direct contrast with the approach Thomas Hobbes takes in his Leviathan, in which the Englishman sets out to prove propositions as one might do geometrically, by preceding from valid arguments and sound premises. Rousseau’s rejection of philosophy, at least as he understands it in the Second

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