Washington Crossing the Delaware

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    hard to come by in a nation full of different opinions, colors, and cultures. Through heart-wrenching pathos, Leutze’s painting Washington Crossing the Delaware and Quindlen’s The Quilt signifies that while America may seem on the verge of breaking at times it manages to succeed through the unification of it’s people. Leutze’s painting, Washington Crossing the Delaware, conveys that the people of America can overlook their differences and hardship when being unified by hope. He uses pathos in the

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    Emmanuel Leutze’s painting Washington Crossing the Delaware shares some similarities with David Shulman’s poem “Washington Crossing the Delaware”; however, the dissimilarities are more abundant. These works of art and literature portray the scene of that remembered Christmas day when Washington and his army set out to conquer to Hessian people. Although they have similarities, there are some differences in these works that are nothing less than noticeable. Join me in observing the similarities and

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    Statement comparison of Washing Crossing the Delaware Washington Crossing the Delaware depicts the struggle of Washington and his men on their way to a historic victory at Trenton on Christmas morning. Both the painting and the poem depict the hardships and triumph of the crew in similar ways while also being very different. The painting of Washington crossing the Delaware better depicts the hardships and triumph of the crew. The poem of Washington crossing the Delaware describes how horrible the weather

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    absent, or different in the painting and poem of Washington Crossing the Delaware. Although there are several differences in the painting and the poem, there are more similarities that can be used to compare them. When looking at both the painting and the poem, there are many things that can be compared. They both are centered around Washington, but they also show the same theme. There is struggle and determination shown in both. The actions of Washington can be considered the same as well as the theme

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    Washington Crossing the Delaware is an oil-on-canvas painting by German American artist Emanuel Gottlieb completed in 1851. This painting is used as a reference of the day when General George Washington crosses the Delaware River with his continental army on the night of December 25, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War. This event is considered to be the first move in a sudden attack done against the German Hessian allied mercenary forces at Trenton, New Jersey in the Battle of Trenton which

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    Jackson Lefevre Mrs. Reyer 1st Block 5 February 2017 Washington Crossing the Delaware The painting, Washington Crossing the Delaware, by E. Leutze, and the poem, “Washington Crossing the Delaware,” by David Shulman have similarities and differences. Both of these are very influential pieces and continue to represent the battle of these men and what they went through to gain their freedom. The creators of these works have slightly different ways of portraying the subject of matter, but the ideas

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  • Decent Essays

    Washington Crossing the Delaware Compare and Contrast Washington Crossing the Delaware is beautifully portrayed by an artist through paint and a poet through poetry. Although both works depict the same historical event, there are noticeable similarities and differences between the two pieces. There are many experiences depicted in both works that are different. When looking at the painting, a person can physically see scenes that the author wants us to notice. For example, the color contrast in

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    Washington Crossing the Delaware Washington Crossing the Delaware is where his crew and him surprised Hessian force on Christmas Day. Comparing and contrasting in a painting with a poem although there are more differences some of the event to where his crew members and him on their way to sneak attack the Hessian in different point of view they still describe Washington Crossing the Delaware. Emanuel Leutze created the painting and the poem is created by David Shulman. In the painting and poem

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    War is conflict between two or more groups of people. In war, violence is used to resolve these conflicts. The paintings, Washington Crossing the Delaware and The Roll Call, both take place during times of war. Washington Crossing the Delaware was painted by Emanuel Leutze, and the painting’s setting was during the American Revolutionary War. The Roll Call was painted by Elizabeth Southerden Butler twenty years after the Crimean War. The American Revolutionary War took place before the Crimean War

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  • Decent Essays

    Washington Crossing the Delaware There are many similarities and differences in the painting “Washington crossing the Delaware” by Emanuel Leutze and the poem “Washington crossing the Delaware”. Washington only 2,400 men to defeat the enemy because 3,000 of of his men failed to get to the meeting point. He and his comrades managed to defeat the Hessians with a surprise attack during Christmas. In this poem and painting there are details and things that make it similar and there are things that make

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