Western Agencies Ltd. by Steven L. McShane University of Western Australia Perth, Australia Copyright © 1991 Steven L. McShane. This case is based on actual events described in a Canadian court case. Only the dates and names of the main parties have been changed. This case may be used by current adopters of: S. L. McShane Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 5th ed. (Toronto: McGraw- Hill Ryerson, 2004); S. L. McShane & M. A. von Glinow, Organizational Behavior, 3rd ed. (Boston: McGraw-Hill
between Casino Ltd. and its employees depends upon the issues raised, the rules and subsequent applications that could be established by the trade union against Casino Ltd. ------------------------------------------------- Issues 1. Whether Casino Ltd. (the parent company) and Caterers Ltd. (its wholly-owned subsidiary company) are considered as separate legal entities. Additionally, whether the concept of corporate veil applies to the corporate groups (between Casino Ltd and Caterers Ltd). 2
Partnership Law (WA) : Australasian Legal Information Institute http://www.austlii.com PARTNERSHIP ACT 1895 PARTNERSHIP ACT 1895 http://www.austlii.com/au/legis/wa/consol_act//pa1895154/ The case of Panorama Developments (Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd” [1971] 2 QB 711 PARTNERSHIP ACT 1895 - SECT 16 16 .
INTRODUCTION: The doctrine of ‘agency by necessity’ establishes that authority shall be assumed, in a necessitous situation, by a person who acts in the interest of the principal. The Indian Contract Act remains silent as to classification of the doctrine under any section, though many debate that it is to be under the head of Section 189. This is an extremely ambiguous area in the law of agency, as there are quite a few specific scenarios apart from the quintessential ‘shipmaster’, which are debatable
The quote shows a strong relation to the efficient market hypothesis (EMH), as it implies that the costs of capital are dependent from the amount of information given by the company. According to my opinion, agency theory is a good explanation for costs of capital. Agency theory defines contracts as under which one party – called principal – engages another party – called the agent – to perform service on the principal’s behalf. Concluding, the principal delegates
in their pocket Executive Summary Mobile marketing is more than a trendy new media channel; it is a powerful communication tool with considerable audience reach and awareness. Over 85% of the population in the UK use a mobile phone and 80% across Western Europe. With such high penetration, mobile marketing campaigns can reach all audience demographics (over 70% penetration in all the age ranges up to 64 years of age). The
But how direct is this relation? Is there an intervening agency at an intrastate level which could sever any connection to interstate trade? Y and Z sell intrastate to bakeries and to agents. According to Lane, the buck stops with the agent in terms of a direct relationship to interstate trade. 6 McCulloch
(Mintel, 2013). There is also an issue of pricing, storage, and processing which have had an impact in the degree of value creation and this is affecting most farmers especially the poor ones who are dependent on seed sold in the market. James Mortimer Ltd is a merchant company in grains and seeds. It was established in the year 1869; it has a reputation for fairness and integrity. It is a medium sized wholesale farming business with a warehouse, seed plant facility and standalone grain store in the United
distribution and transmission, industrial equipment and systems, and power generation. 1965 The Company's name was changed from Hindustan Electric Co. Ltd., to Hindustan Brown Boveri Ltd in September 1995. (economictimes.indiatimes.com, 2015) 1984 This project for the manufacture of industrial steam turbines with Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd., progressed with
The pioneer in development and application of tar sands technology is unquestionably Great Canadian Oil Sand LTD (GCOS). Which was primarily own by an American company. In 1964 GCOS began construction, in 1968 they began commercial production. – operated at a huge loss with “Even, so GCOS operated at a loss for 8 years... [They gained a] profit of $25 million the last 2 years, the company still has an operating deficit of 54 million. The companies need to worry constantly about replacing buckets