
0-3 Months Essay

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0-3 Months
Between the ages of 0-3 months children react to certain sounds with startle (moro reflex). Children begin to react to sounds which are close by, by the age of 2-4 months children will begin to develop distance hearing. Children are then awakened by loud noises, sounds and voices. Towards the end of the third month a baby is able to recognise there mother's voice and will stop crying in order to listen to to voices and there own sounds. Babies are unable to control there motor movements, therefore most of there actions are reflexes. One of the most important reflexes for there speech development is the rhythmic suck-swallow pattern. Babies of this age are now able to move in response to voices and are able to express there feelings by cooing and gurgling.
4-6 Months
Between the ages of 4-6 months babies …show more content…

Children are able to listen attentively and retell stories and are able to accurately repeat sentences with high predictability. Children may begin to substitute some stops for fricatives. For example, 'tat' for 'sat'. However, children now begin to use possessives.

4-5 Years
Children are beginning to recall 5 or more facts from familiar stories. Children are also now beginning to identify rhymes or things which don't rhyme in a set of 3-4. By the age of 5, the phonological process of syllable deletion and fronting are suppressed. Children begin to ask what/who/where or why do questions and why did questions. Children also begin to use has, had and does in sentences.
5-6 Years
Children are now beginning to learn letter-sound associations and are able to expand on there auditory understanding. By the age of 6 90% of children would have mastered being able to use a variety of blends and self-monitored speech. Children are able to stabilize the correct usage of irregular plurals and past and tense/ irregular verbs.

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