
12 Angry Men Analysis - 3 Essays

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12 Angry Men, a 1957 film directed by Sidney Lumet, based off of a teleplay by Reginald Rose, exemplifies various forms of human communication amongst a small group of men. After the court dispute, the jury had been announced to their destination. Twelve strongly expressive men accumulate into a small group in the court where they will all come to a consensus on whether a boy is to be charged guilty or innocent. The group of twelve men that gathered into this small room, all displayed unique and strong personalities—whether it was a strong aggressive attitude, a strong devoted will, or even a strong mouse personality. Their objective was to all agree towards one single decision—guilty or innocent. If only one person decides to say …show more content…

In the beginning of the movie, a simple vote was called upon the jury on the boy’s status. The vote casted was eleven to one, eleven guilty and one innocent. The one man that challenged the whole group evaluated that there was a possibility for error. Due to moralistic values, the boy’s life was at stake and he did not allow the group to just cast aside a life without in depth discussion. Evidently, the man was able to accomplish persuading the group that the boy was innocent. By having the whole group come to one final decision, they were able to display the group decision method of a consensus. Another communicational concept that was displayed amongst the group was leadership and power. The leadership approach that was used throughout the film was a democratic leadership style which “invited other members to share in decision making” (254). Since all had to come up with an agreement to one conclusion, all members had to represent their opinions on why the boy was innocent or guilty. All input was necessary and required to reach a consensus which is why there was no particular leader that influenced the group throughout. There were of their own decision with the influences of others around them. As far as power spreads amongst the group, several methods were examined throughout the film. One of the powers used was coercive power which “comes from the threat or actual imposition

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