
20142321 SIYIWANG TACC403

Good Essays

Assignment: TACC403 – Accounting Information Systems

TACC403 - Accounting Information Systems

Individual Assignment
Semester 1, 2014

Total Marks: 25% of total marks for TCC403
Due Date: Week 10

Student Name: Siyi Wang
Student ID: 20142321

Introduction 2
Discussion 2
Q1. 2
Q2. 3
Q3. 3
Q4 4
Q5. 4
Q6. 5
Q7. 6
Conclusion and Recommendation 8
References: 8

Small businesses occupy a very important place in the economy. These businesses face many of the same problems such as lacking computer experience and do not have sufficient internal computer expertise and decisions as big firms but without the benefit of staff expertise and multiple managerial level. Thus, the top manager or managers …show more content…

It also can set up barriers to deter new entrants from coming into an industry by cultivating unique or capital intensive resources that new firms cannot easily duplicate.

There are three types of business processes:
1) Management processes, the processes that govern the operation of a system. Typical management processes include "corporate governance" and "strategic management".
2) Operational processes, processes that constitute the core business and create the primary value stream. Typical operational processes are purchasing, manufacturing, advertising and marketing, and sales.
3) Supporting processes, which support the core processes. Examples include accounting, recruitment, call center, technical support.
As the case shows, we can define the information requirements of RTE relationship as the amount of information that must be collected, processed, and disseminated across firm boundaries to address uncertainty in the outsourced task environment. Business processes involve the manipulation of either physical or informational objects.

Stakeholders, who are governed by their shared motivations, responsibilities, authorities and predispositions, tend to form coalitions when planning for a joint initiative. In the case of RTE, the key issue associated with “collaboration” is that seemed to contribute to the abandonment of RTE, is the failure to conduct a stakeholder identification analysis. Since existing information systems can produce

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