
3 Am Poetic Devices

Decent Essays

You did a great job of employing various poetic techniques throughout each of your poems. There are some things I would recommend you take a second look at, but overall I thought each of your pieces was pretty effective. I’m so happy you decided to include “Sugar” in this set of poems. I really liked it when you read it aloud in class, and was pleased to have another chance to experience it. I think the strongest aspect of this piece is your use of onomatopoeia and word choice to create a rhythm and rhyme that truly embodies the monotony you describe. Also, the combination of repetition and variation in the first two stanzas captures how you describe two very different ways of experiencing one thing, sugar. One aspect of your poem which might …show more content…

I was unsure of its purpose at some points. However, when you wrote “Potent Night Dream Ghost” I thought the capitalization truly enhanced the line. It gave importance to what you were talking about, making it seem like more than an abstract concept, like a concrete, terrifying problem you come face to face with. Still, I think the message of fear for these abstract concepts in general could be presented more clearly if you included more concrete images in the poem. In discussing “October”, it is impossible not to bring up the phrase “bare and bleak,/ Broken…” I found these three strong, meaningful words to be packed with a lot of emotion. They are essential to the desolate tone and thus very important for such a short piece. Finally, “Chicago” was packed with sound imagery, which was a refreshing change of pace from many other poems I’ve read. Not only did you provide concrete details that made the poem memorable and relatable, but you did it in a less conventional way than simple visual imagery. A criticism I must offer is that the conflicting images of “Your fingers resting in mine” and “Hands inches from mine” were a bit confusing when I first read the poem. Upon further examination I realized that the poem must be taking place over time and not just in a single moment. Nevertheless, if other people also had a problem with the clarity of these lines, it might be worth it to change them so that they do not

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