I began my research by going straight for an answer to my question: Are there any benefits of being an introvert in high school? I ran into an article titled “5 inherent benefits of being an introvert” by Jordan Gray, a public speaker and relationship coach with a decade of practice, in the website Business Insider. According to Gray, there are benefits in intimate/social relationships. He then lists five of the benefits and that helped in my research because it was exactly what I needed for my research question. I learned more about introverts because of Gray’s list since I have seen introverts in my school. One of the things that Gray mentions is that introverts are “world-class” listeners. I am not even surprised by this because I have noticed
The article “Introversion: The Often Forgotten Factor Impacting the Gifted” by Jill D. Burruss and Lisa Kaenzig begins by giving examples of how an introvert may behave. The authors continue by explaining that introversion is in not an issue, but a personality type which differs from that of the “normal,” more outgoing and friendly personality type, extroversion. Introverts and extroverts are different personality types, most people fall into one of the two categories. Typically, an introvert’s main focus is in the internal world of thoughts, while an extrovert's main focus is on the external world of people and events. Introverts tend to enjoy alone time, working on their own, and are usually quiet, and extroverts are typically social, enjoy
In Susan Cain’s book Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, she writes about extroverts and introverts and their roles in our society. She gives real world stories of how introverted and extroverted individuals become successful. In Chapter one, “How Extroversion Became the Cultural Ideal”, Cain states how being an extrovert increased throughout the 20th century. For example, extroversion started showing up in schools, such as extracurricular activities, which favor kids who are extroverts. While writing this chapter, she did well adding emotional appeal through the story stories she told. Cain also did well using logical appeal, ethical appeal, stakeholders, and her values. Susan Cain
Susan Cain, a well known and appreciated writer from America in the field of psychology, recently held a speech on one of the famous TED talks and entirely captured me by trying to give the audience an understanding of introversion.
Susan Cain’s Ted Talk The Power Of Introverts brought a new conversation to society in how introverts are treated. Five years ago (when this took place) this topic was not very well discussed, which made this piece very eye opening for some. Using Aristotle's appeals: logos and pathos, as well as a comparative argument in her ted talk, Cain persuades viewers that we as a society oppress/shame introverts, not allowing them to strive or be themselves in our now extroverted society. She advocates for a more balanced society that serves both introverts and extroverts instead of just extroverts.
Susan Cain’s novel Quiet discusses the undervalued power of introverts in a world full of extroverts. Cain officially began working on Quiet in 2005, and has been consulting introverts, beginning with herself, for years before that. As an introverted lawyer Cain struggled at the beginning of her career, until she realized the power introverts have. While extroverts get excited and arguments get heated quickly, introverts can keep calm and cool and assess the situation and think through what they say and do. After realizing the potential of introverts Cain began consulting to help other introverts that were struggling with their career or personal lives. This book came about as a way to put all of her learning and research together to help reach other introverts that feel or felt like they have little to no power in this world of extroverts.
The book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain goes into deep detail about how extroverts and introverts work. Throughout
Extroverts in today’s society are idolized, and people associate different positive characteristics such as attractiveness and intelligence with extroverts. That misconception has caused many introverts to try and become more extroverted in order to fit in with society. However, the book Quiet by Susan Crain informs that introverts posses many strong traits like leadership or intelligence and therefore can be viewed just as highly as extroverts.
On April 4, I watched the TED Talk of Susan Cain, a writer. She claimed that introverts are not shy or antisocial. Specifically she claimed that introverts are not inferior to anyone just because they want to work alone. As she said, “Introverts feel at their most alive ….. and their most capable when they’re in quieter, more low-key environment.” Although some people believe that introverts like to work individually because they are shy, Cain insisted that they do that because that's how they bring out their full potential and be more creative. She stated that it's everyone's loss when introverts are told that what they are doing should not be done in this society to support that introverts have their own way of doing things which makes them
A research can only be effective if the researcher is able to present the results successfully and proficiently to their audience. For this reason, it is important to research topics that you are knowledgeable about and interested in emerging an educational hypotheses question for research. In the TED talk presentation, Susan Cain presented an excellent presentation on, “The power of introverts”, a topic that she had experience, observed and researched and for many years. The topic is one in which she is passionate about, it took her seven years to write and complete the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. Thus, this research was clearly described by Ms. Cain and the important of the
As an introvert, I have some advantages as well as disadvantages. To start with, the fact that am not a bother to other people is advantageous. I depend on my friends in my small circle when I am in need of sharing my problems. I do not get unnecessary pressure from my friends to get involved in things that am not willing because I make my own decisions. I don’t know how to think while speaking and that is the main disadvantage I face as an introvert. I prefer listening while others talk. It makes me not express my opinions most of the
Susan Cain is an honors graduate of Princeton and Harvard Law School. Since graduating Cain has become the chief revolutionary and co-founder of the Quiet Revolution and the co-founder of the Quiet Schools Network and the Quiet Leadership Institute. Cain is also the author of the bestsellers Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts and Quiet: The Power of Introverts in A World That Can’t Stop Talking, which has been on the New York Times bestseller list for almost three years and was named the #1 best book of the year by Fast Company magazine. The goal of the Quiet Revolution is to unlock the power of introverts for the benefits of everyone which was discussed in the TED talk that is being analyzed in this essay. The TED talk “The power of introverts” has been viewed over 17 million times and was named one of Bill Gates all-time favorite talks. The purpose of this speech was to inform the audience about how introversion is not what most people make it out to be. Throughout her speech, Cain compares and contrast introversion with extroversion and
I have always been interested in people, more so than the average. That interest contributed to me being a quiet adolescent because I always wanted to listen to what others were talking about, how they said it, and how others reacted. In a homogenous community where certain ideals of race, gender roles, sexual orientation, and religion were upheld, however, there was only so much I could get from my surroundings, especially from those my own age. I wanted more and found it in the pages of National Geographic Traveler and the internet as well once my parents eased the reins of censorship. Those two combined gave me access to a world outside my small, Southern town and helped me realize just how shielded I was from the experiences of those who
According to many psychologists and other social experts, there exist two major social behaviors that are widely adopted globally by a person as they mature into young adulthood: extraversion or introversion. Extroverts are expressive individuals who appear to be energized and enjoy seeking activities that involve socialization with others where as a reserved individual (introvert) prefers solitary pursuits where he or she often partakes in a favorite pastime. In her novel Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength, Laurie Helgoe statistically explores the fact that more than one half of the American populace claims to be reticent and encourages those folks to embrace their natural selves (“Book Details” 1). Introverts
There are two main theories that help identify a person’s personality type, the introvert or the extravert. These ideas became popular by: Carl Jung, he also believed that people at different times showed both characteristics of the introvert and the extravert. Most people are neither introverts nor extraverts they share a mix of the characteristics that define an introvert or an extravert.
Introversion was defined as “withdrawn and often shy, and they tend to focus on themselves, on their own thoughts and feelings” (Jung, 1923) Therefore focusing on this personality trait can help to better understand why people tend to be reserved and withdrawn from everyday life. Carl Jung was the creator of the neopsychoanalytical approach, which focused on psychic energy. While Gordon Allport and Hans Eysenck contributor to the trait theory, focused on biology and individualized traits. Jung, Eysenck and Allport focused on extrovert vs. introvert, yet had completely different ideas of how introversion is seen in everyday life. Personally believeing this trait is one I carry, focusing on completely different approaches will bring light to many explanations of why people act the way they do, including myself. By using both case studies and personal work from the works of Jung, Eysenck, and Allport researching introversion should not be a an issue. Although there is a lot of work to do with introversion, through this research one can get a better overview.