
7 Army Values

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Army Values
In the US Army, since the moment you decide to enlist, all soldiers are taught the 7 Army Values during the whole process of Initial Entry Training, the importance to apply each one of them to your daily life and to live up to them. It is no coincidence that these core values are broken down in the acronym LDRSHIP. Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage are the qualities the US Army looks for their leaders to possess.
Each one of the 7 Army Values plays an important role in our military leadership, therefore in my personal opinion, there is not a value that should be considered more important than the others. All of the 7 Army Values have an impact on each other, and they are all essential to the leader’s moral …show more content…

Loyalty is important because trust is the bedrock of the US Army and it is important to have trust and be loyal to our brothers and sisters in arms because the absence of trust and loyalty and trust in our soldiers and leaders can destroy the foundation of our units and affect how effective is the accomplishment of our mission. Duty is important because that is what as soldiers we do every day, we accomplish all of our assigned tasks to the best of our abilities. To perform your duties is the minimum that is expected from every soldier and it is exactly what an enlisted soldier believes duty is. Respect is important because it is also fundamental to build trust between our soldiers and leaders. It is expected by every soldier, it shows our professionalism and consideration for our soldiers and leaders no matter what rank they hold and it is considered one of the most basic customs and courtesies shared in our society. Selfless Service is important because the US Army best works as a

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