
9/11: A Short Story

Decent Essays

As kids, we were all warned about the basics. Call 911 for emergencies, tell an adult if someone touches you or even tell the teacher when someone says a bad word. But what happens when something happens to the last person you’d think it would happen to.. Yourself. Who could you actually turn to, and when the time struck, how would the words flow out to confess the crime done to you. Or even worse, would the words come out at all? “Can you tell me what happened exactly?” “It's okay to talk to us, we’re here to help you, not hurt you.” The words kept ringing in my head. But was it okay to talk to them? Speak of the unspeakable with people... people I didn't know, nor trust? Being so young I had no idea what was going on. As my heart was racing, …show more content…

I know I told my mom about the awful incident but did she.. NO. She didn't! I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander. I was infuriated. How could she tell these people my secret? What was going to happen? I looked at the dolls lying on the table. I wanted to burst out with tears. This wasn't true. It couldn't be. This had to be a nightmare, I just had to wake up. Sitting there for what felt like hours, I knew that I would have to talk. They wanted to know what happened. Trying to gather the words to put together, I closed my eyes and traveled back to Halloween night.
I remember it was a chilly October night, everyone running around in their costumes, and I myself, in a pink princess dress. My mom had spent all night doing my hair in perfect curls and I just couldn't wait to get my plastic clear heels on from Walmart that almost every 8-year old had. I knew that this Halloween would be the BEST.. Little did I know, it would, in fact, be …show more content…

I wish I could say I remember what happened after that, but I don't. Everything was blocked out. I've heard before that sometimes people get to a certain point and then they “shut down.” Then, I didn't know what that was or what it meant but looking back, I believe I did in fact quit. I went through the morning of that day numb until I was called down to the office where I found myself speaking to a counselor. Why was there a recording device? And what on earth did she ask me to demonstrate? I was terrified, but maybe talking with a counselor wouldn't be so bad, so I opened my mouth and the words flowed out. When it was all done and over with and I finally got to go home, I was shocked to find out that it

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