My score was 65, which seems agreeable with my personality because I do live in the "now", but I also like to reflect on the past to improve my future. I also try not to live with regrets because one can't truly move on and improve if you dwell on things that's past. Yet, I can't say that I have done this with every situation that has happened in my life. What I found interesting about this was how it ties in with the "Which side of the brain do you use?" survey. I seem to always be close to the middle of things as if I'm on the fence. I don't think that makes me indecisive but I like to look at all angles, even when it's not needed. I like the fact that I am on the higher side of the scale because the characteristics of the score of 90 is
I personally think that this test got some of my personality traits but not all of it was spot on. It said that I am an
Considering my personality, based on the “Big 5” personality traits, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience, I scored on the high end of the moderate range. As for the openness to experience, I scored a 9 out of 10 ranging in the high level of personality factor (Project 2, BMAL-500 D, McGraw Hill Connect, Liberty University, 2017). I feel as if though this is accurate as I am generally outgoing and enjoy the company of others.
In concert with Maj Gen Byers’ memo dated 5 April 2010, the 90th CES is hereby creating a working group to further implement, using a cross functional approach, the asset management concept on FE Warren AFB. The purpose of this group will be two-fold, the first being to support the AF, MAJCOM, AFCEC and Base Comprehensive Activity Management Plan (AMP) process and second to establish a framework to successfully tackle the many important asset management issues that face FE Warren AFB today.
In the end, I found that the personality test and the temperament that goes with it is accurate to a fault. The only issue that arose that I question is whether I am an extrovert or an introvert. Most of the time I have relate to both daily. I become overwhelmed with one or the other and I need to resort to the opposite. I need time to recharge because I have given all I possibly could at that moment.
I was very happy to have been given the opportunity to take these self-assessment tests. I always had an idea as far as what my personality is defined as, but it’s interesting to see where my strengths and weaknesses are. With the Jungian Typology test I scored 59% Introvert, 34% Sensing, 19% Thinking, and 31% Judging. After receiving this score and reading how each is defined, none of this surprised me. Sharing the results with my mother, her response was, “No surprise there!” I have always tried having some understanding of my personality in hopes of finding the right career path for me. I must admit that this has opened my eyes to how detail oriented and focused I can be, especially if it’s something I care about. This can be both good
My results from the Myers-Biggs personality assessment letters “ISTP”. The letters represents a dominant introverted thinker. I agree that analyzing, categorizing and evaluating is part of my personality. I definitely think that this assessment is pretty accurate to most of situations I’ve encounter, especially in relationships. In my relationships I have been told, more than once that I analyze things way too much and get caught up on my own feelings instead of relaxing. I just feel like every situation is a mystery and in my mind I try to solve
In the Conscientiousness section of the OCEAN model of personality, I scored in the 86th percentile. According to the assessment this means I am very well-organized, and can relied upon. I am in full agreeance with this assessment of myself. Someone who scores high in this
It was too complicated to understand. My results came in as two personalities, ESFJ and ENFJ. According to 16 Personalities, ESFJ is known as the "The Consul." In high school, they're the football players, cheerleaders, student council members or in other words the popular crowd. Extraversion was E, which I had gotten on the Big Five test and basically stating again that I am talkative. I like to talk a lot but when it comes down to doing my school work, I am in full concentration mode. Sensing was S, basically being organized and realistic. Sensors in contrary to Intuitors are more about a day-to-day planner. At the end of the day they want to finish what has to be finished but if course being realistic. Feeling was F, the idea of making decisions based on emotion. It's all about intuition. Judgment was J, going with something and actually doing it. In previous group projects there has always been that one person that changes everything up without telling the group, I dislike this people. If we brainstormed something that we should stick with the plan rather than the flow. My second personality was ENFJ. According to 16 Personalities, “The Protagonist.” People with the ENFJ are born to be leaders, they're the politicians, coaches and teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. Three out of the four traits that are in ENFJ were in my first personality type, the remaining one was Intuition. People with this trait tend to prefer speed but in-depth information. I am exactly like when doing
Before taking the test I knew it would say I was an introvert and liked to think a lot. So it didn’t come as a shock when My results said that I have a INTJ (Introvert, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging) personality. What it means is that I tend to keep to myself, I like to analyze things, I’m a perfectionist, and have a vivid imagination. I agree with most of what the results say except for when it says I tend to disregard higher authority; my parents taught me to always respect higher authority, and I believe that I do. I also don’t agree with when It says I struggle with sharing my personal feelings. I don’t share my feelings often because I believe you should only do that with the people your close with. But I wouldn’t say I struggle with that
Other than that, I found the following to be accurate on my personality. Granted, I think the following results are useful to me because the personality test gives me options on a certain career fields I could potentially consider for my personality type. The information will help me in figuring out my future career because I am one of those people who has not figured out what I want to do for the rest of my life. I think the results will help guide me into the right direction for a career. Finally, after exploring the personality page links, I learned that I appear to seem like an extrovert but I am an introvert. The following means that I am so well at connecting with people that it seems like I am an extrovert. Also, I learned that I am strongly humanitarian in outlook. I am not surprised by this because I have been told by others that I am an individual who always tries to help make things better for not just a community but for others. Overall, I found the personality test to be very informative and I am definitely going to pay close attention to certain areas about my personality type to see if my personality really is like the test says it
To analyze the assessments – I’m happy with all my results. They all confirm my previous beliefs of myself. The first test I took was the personality test. My results were INFP – which is interesting because I normally ENFP with a side note saying I am also closely considered to be a INFP. This is due to me having Bipolar Disorder. With Bipolar Disorder, there are two moods – Manic and Depressive. If you know about the disorder my two personality types fit perfectly with the moods. In a manic episode I thrive off of social
I feel this was my lowest score because I tend to stay calm in most situations and try to think with a clear head. I do get emotional or worked up sometimes, but I know I am not perfect. This score ended up being a little higher than I thought it would be, but I will feel it gives an accurate representation of me as a whole. Besides getting worked up or emotional has helped me developed my leadership skills. I have learned to preserver and work well under pressure when the time comes. It has taught me to communicate when life is weighting on my
Overall, I believe that the test was fairly accurate in measuring certain factors of my personality so much so that it was difficult for me to find certain factors that I did not agree with. However there were two factors, E (dominance) and Q1 (rebelliousness), which I believe were a bit overrated in myself. Aside from these the test seemed to adequately define facets of my personality. For “warmth” (factor A) my sten score read 4, indicating that I am slightly more reserved and critical that easygoing and good-natured. I scored a 7 in “ego strength” (factor C), classifying me as more stable and emotionally mature and less emotional and changeable in attitudes. In dominance (factor E) my sten score read 8, meaning I am more assertive, competitive and stubborn rather than submissive, dependent and humble. I received an average score of 5 in “impulsivity” (factor F) indicating a slightly more serious and sober approach to the world over the cheerful and enthusiastic view. As for “boldness” (factor H), I received a sten score of 4 signifying a more shy and restrained approach to things as opposed to an adventurous genial one. I received a median score of 5 for “emotional sensitivity” (factor I) demonstrating my slightly more tough-minded and self-reliant view in contrast to a sensitive insecure one. For “imagination” (factor M) a score of 8, indicating that I am more imaginative, unconventional and absorbed in ideas and am less so for practicality and the prosaic.
My realism was my highest score, it was 14 compared to my 3 idealism score. I think that I scored this way based off what made sense to me. I do want to get married in the future but I am aware that marriage will be hard work. I’ve never really had an idealistic view on marriage, I think that it can probably be great at times but also really hard. My realism score also probably stems from my parents marriage / divorce, I didn’t grow up seeing an idealistic marriage so I know that thinking a marriage will be perfect all the time isn’t true. But mostly I think I scored this way based off common sense and just being aware.
The second survey I took was the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test™ my results concluded that my personality is “INFP” (Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving). Last but not least was the Resiliency survey. This survey concluded that my resiliency was a score of 73, resulting in “better than most”.