
A Brief Note On The Civil War And Its Impact On Women 's Rights

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Women’s Suffrage and Labor Rights:
An Analysis of the Civil War and Its Impact on Women’s Rights In 1865, four brutal years of the Civil War ended, and Congress passed three amendments that eliminated slavery, gave citizenship to everyone born in the United States, protected people’s rights to due process, required equal protection under the law, and guaranteed voting rights to all American men. However, African American men were still segregated in terms of housing, work, equal pay, and schooling. Despite this unfair treatment, African American men received better treatment compared to their female counterparts. After the Civil War, all American women did not have the same rights as men. While the men fought to keep the Union together, …show more content…

Unfortunately, women soon discovered that the Fifteenth Amendment did not grant them the right to vote despite the specific language implying any person could vote. Despite this setback, many people remained hopeful that equality for all would eventually occur, and life would improve for everyone. Although African Americans now had equal rights under the constitution, life after slavery was still harsh. Many African Americans found themselves out of work, and, therefore, had to find employment. Most former slaves, desperate for work, returned to their former owners and earned a very small wage. Although African American men gained rights, they were still subjected to the worst jobs available at that time like working long, hot hours in the farm fields and factories. Meanwhile, African American women worked as household workers in the city. Not only was labor difficult to find for African Americans, but white southerners were out of work as well. The repercussions of war were still prevalent; many southern women lost their husbands in the war, and, therefore, had to work to provide food for their families. This led to a competition for employment between African Americans and whites. Some families became so desperate that they would wander the countryside scavenging for food, sometimes walking ten to forty miles a day. A widow washerwoman with six

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