
A Brief Note On The State Of Economic Crisis

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H2O Can’t be a No
Cochabamba, one of the poorest cities in the world has almost no access to safe water and its citizens suffer from life threatening waterborne disease. Cochabamba’s economy cannot afford the necessary infrastructure to ensure everyone access to safe water. Bechtel must privatize Cochabamba’s water, offloading the previously unaffordable infrastructure to distribute water to the underserved poor.
1 - How did Bolivia get into the situation it 's in now? What led to this need for privatization?
Bolivia is in a state of economic crisis, caused by the limited access to, excess pollution, and scarcity of fresh water. Privatization will provide the economic stability necessary to advance technology and spread water into poor …show more content…

In the long run, water is conserved, solving the water crisis and providing water to all Bolivian families.
2 - What is the political climate in Bolivia? Will it support your bid?
Richer citizens are capable of getting by with safe water, but poorer settlements have limited access to water and are desperately in need of a privatized water system. In Villa San Miguel, the residents had recently dug a well, increasing their access to water. As Finnegan states, “Clean water was suddenly plentiful and relatively cheap -- households paid the water cooperative between two and five dollars a month to cover the costs of running the pump and maintaining the system.” [4]. Through the foundation of a new, inexpensive water source, this well provided water to 210 families. The expenses are covered by the townspeople, whom collectively can fund cheaper water sources compared with public access. Although this drastically decreases the number of people without water access, this is not a sustainable water source and will soon run out, excentrifying pollution and halting access.
As for people without public access nor locally funded water sources struggle to survive with minimal water and the diseases acquired by pollutants. The population is growing, and Cochabamba does not have a water system in place to support all community members, resulting in an increase of people without water. Finnegan continues by stating that, “Today, Cochabamba is ringed by dozens of barrios

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